A reference architecture for deploying containerized microservices with Amazon ECS and AWS CloudFormation (YAML)
- 1
- 9
Would like to see a Fargate version of this
#41 opened by joannbrereton - 1
Couldn't find key CatalogId in template
#112 opened by souzajc0510 - 2
#108 opened by gabegorelick - 12
Migrate to Amazon Linux 2 AMI
#97 opened by rania-chantz - 1
Cluster Auto Scaling
#107 opened by gabegorelick - 1
- 1
collectd is not available to be installed
#111 opened by MatteoInfi - 0
Unable to deploy in region other than us-east-1
#110 opened by andreprawira - 0
- 0
Support persistence data
#105 opened by hatung - 2
- 0
Adding Cost Estimate for this architecture.
#100 opened by ravsau - 0
ecr access
#96 opened by xizhendu - 3
How to create a HTTPS listener
#71 opened by prasenjithaty - 1
Unused role in template
#83 opened by pkaramol - 2
Implement connection draining
#7 opened by PaulMaddox - 8
Automate updates to ECS Optimized AMIs
#61 opened by PaulMaddox - 0
Update ECS AMI, 2018-08-14, amzn-ami-2018.03.e
#80 opened by btsuhako - 2
Default to latest ECS-Optimized AMI
#89 opened by StevenAskwith - 0
- 0
Not Support China two regions
#82 opened by elbertwang - 1
Setup task role
#16 opened by wichert - 0
Update ecs agent at instance launch?
#75 opened by dougtoppin - 0
- 2
Missing LogGroup creation in ecs-cluster.yaml
#73 opened by pgrzesik - 0
Assigning multiple TargetGroupArn to a listener
#70 opened by nkkaushik - 0
- 0
- 2
Deploying in a private subnet
#58 opened by dls314 - 1
unable to login to Ec2
#62 opened by Ponrajk22 - 0
Provide access to ECS instances
#38 opened by dougtoppin - 1
Stack getting rolled back automatically
#43 opened by Dawny33 - 0
Include Route53 HealthChecks
#44 opened by dougtoppin - 1
Setting ALB SG to an IP breaks website service (but not the products service)
#45 opened by dougtoppin - 2
Update AMI IDs
#50 opened by JasonSwindle - 1
Restricting access to ALB prevents the website service from reaching the product service
#52 opened by dougtoppin - 2
- 2
Accept sub-path in listener rules
#13 opened by wichert - 0
Support ecs-cli
#17 opened by neowulf - 0
Support Service autoscaling
#18 opened by etsangsplk - 6
- 1
VPC template does not support DNS hostnames
#20 opened by john-aws - 1
EC2 instance registered on ECS default cluster
#23 opened by MatteCarra - 1
VPC deploy fails when deploying 2nd stack?
#24 opened by davidham - 1
Integrating CodeBuild/CodePipeline
#28 opened by waynerobinson - 3
Specify a Bucket Name
#29 opened by piedmont01 - 1
How to update container instances in production?
#32 opened by davidham - 1
Simple question on ALB and NAT gateway traffic
#31 opened by johntwei - 2
ECS is not created
#8 opened