Pinned issues
- 0
[Bug]: eks-workshop-ide fail to launch
#1181 opened by tobenicer-dev - 0
- 2
[Bug]: Security group rule missing in NLB Security group
#1161 opened by cskalyan - 2
[Bug]: While getting started in own account, VSCode or Cloud9 instance setup Cloudformation is throwing error
#1144 opened by bhoslelalit - 2
[Bug]: "make create-infrastructure" and "make shell" fail with yq version installed with current jq version (1.7.1) on Mac OS
#1160 opened by heinrichse - 0
Automation workshop ACK has carts container in a crash loop when deployed outside of us-west-2
#1139 opened by mattgillard - 0
[Bug]: ap-southeast-1 vscode cfn link taking me to create cloud9 IDE but eu and us working fine
#1148 opened by Selvaprakash-S - 1
[Bug]: CodeCommit is not accessible to new customers
#1142 opened by tphokas - 0
[Bug]: OCI registry for Bitnami
#1154 opened by ChrisJBurns - 7
Update in Cloudformation using Cloud9
#1021 opened by peachycloudsecurity - 2
[Bug]: prepare-environment fundamentals/storage/efs fails with User is not authorized
#1106 opened by justRishi - 1
[Bug]: Incorrect permission boundaries in base.yaml IAM policy causes terraform apply error creating KMS alias
#1091 opened by snypher - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#955 opened by renovate - 2
[Bug]: Error while preparing environment for LAB Amazon VPC CNI -> Custom Networking
#1062 opened by flavioque - 0
[Bug]: unable to run any kubectl commands for the server provisioned using terraform
#1054 opened by cskalyan - 3
[Bug]: Wording improvement
#1046 opened by cemendes - 0
Mention CoreDNS autoscaling via addon
#1048 opened by niallthomson - 1
[Bug]: The fsx for Netapp ONTAP portion of the lab cannot be completed due to the CSI driver returning a 400 response code.
#1019 opened by GH-JeffJ - 2
[Bug]: Fundamentals - Storage - FSx For NetApp ONTAP - Addon version specified is not supported
#964 opened by henriquesantanati - 1
[Bug]: Error: creating EKS Add-On (eks-workshop:netapp_trident-operator): operation error EKS: CreateAddon, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: 86922342-21d5-493e-b4c5-c0b07404e69b, InvalidParameterException: Addon version specified is not supported
#966 opened by raphcavalier - 0
Migrate base application manifests to use MySQL 8
#1015 opened by niallthomson - 0
Upgrade orders sample application component to 0.8.1
#1014 opened by niallthomson - 0
meta: Upgrade sample application to 0.8.1
#1013 opened by niallthomson - 0
- 1
Upgrade to EKS 1.30
#941 opened by niallthomson - 4
[Bug]: Unable to install the IRSA prepare step
#1004 opened by arunposh - 9
[Bug]: Cloud9 eks workshop setup failure
#931 opened by cskalyan - 0
new: Troubleshooting Lab
#906 opened by arcegacardenas - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Observability Module: View EKS in console
#977 opened by StevenDavid - 0
Observability Module: Logging in EKS: Pod Logging
#979 opened by StevenDavid - 0
- 0
chore: Upgrade to Docusaurus v3
#916 opened by niallthomson - 4
Rename Graviton section to "Taints and Tolerations"
#957 opened by rizblie - 2
- 0
[Bug]: Lack of permissions on lab "Application Metrics in Amazon CloudWatch"
#968 opened by henriquesantanati - 2
[Bug]: An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the DescribeNodegroup operation: No node group found for name: default-20240424100336089600000010.
#915 opened by shankey28 - 1
To follow this EKS workshop in own environment, how much cost it can take?
#934 opened by raisulgithub2020 - 1
[Bug]: Terraform instructions do not set environment variable EKS_CLUSTER_NAME
#887 opened by friedmsf - 1
[Bug]: $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME is not defined
#912 opened by shankey28 - 0
CloudWatch Application Signals
#900 opened by mswishaws - 1
CloudWatch Enhanced Container Insights
#899 opened by mswishaws - 1
Amazon Managed Prometheus Agentless Collector
#901 opened by mswishaws - 1
Control Tower for EKS
#903 opened by mswishaws - 0
CloudTrail for EKS
#905 opened by mswishaws - 0
Config for EKS
#904 opened by mswishaws - 0
ADOT Collector
#902 opened by mswishaws - 2
[Bug]: AWS ACK lab environment fails to prepare
#884 opened by JonVDB