A full end to end workflow from encoder to play-out for Live and VOD-from-live.
- adamsimpDetroit
- adriantodorov@multicloudapp
- akofman@kompile-io
- arvindshekar07United States
- ashiinaTimers inc.
- chadnealCastle Rock, CO, USA
- chazen
- chungos
- CraytorGannon University
- Cuneytt
- Dametrain
- FastEddy760
- flavioribeiro@netflix
- gcrabtree
- ggrandesSpain
- gmarchandAWS
- gustavoserafim
- hoodsyNew York City
- johnnyxh
- jumbojettMITRE
- KHagiyaTokyo, Japan
- krzemienski@fubotv
- LaurianCreative Technologist ※ Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellow ※ Visual analytics × Computational Linguistics × Semantic Web
- liyuliang1
- markogleUnified Streaming
- matthewsowdersWalmart
- mkunglaEstonia || The Netherlands
- murrielcloud
- nagpach
- niksbrovsPortland, OR
- regularladyShogun
- rmueller
- schmutzeAmazon Web Services (@aws, @awslabs)
- sfahadshahzad
- smpAmazon Web Services
- wieshkaPlayTech