
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT No AttributionMIT-0

Advanced Summarization Techniques using Generative AI

Summarize any length of text or group of documents with Amazon Bedrock

In this repo, we examine four different methods of performing summarization. We will look at the pros and cons of each one, and suggest the best use cases for each. This includes a system to summarize text from one long source, or from a set of multiple documents. Here are the four methods:

  1. "stuff it" - place the whole document into a single prompt.
  2. "map reduce" - break the document into parts, summarize each part, then combine them together.
  3. "auto refine" - ask the LLM to find gaps in its own summary, and fill them.
  4. "multi-doc" - sumarize multiple documents on the bases of guidance questions.

We also have multiple elements that suport this kind of generative AI workload, and may be helpful for others as well.

  1. A front end GUI, useful if you want to deploy this code as an interactive tool.
  2. Prompt Evaluation, a suggested framework for using an LLM as Judge to measure accuracy.
  3. Prompt Decomposition, how to break down prompts into multiple steps to solve for accuracy, cost, scale, and latency.

Just want to dive in and start summarizing? Open Examples.ipynb which shows how to use each kind of summarization.

A brief look at the contents of this repo:

  • Examples.ipynb Shows how to use the functions defined in the other notebooks.
  • advanced_summarize.ipynb Includes auto-refinement of summarizes for higher quality, as well as summarization for groups of documents.
  • simple_summarize.ipynb Includes two of the most simple, most common types of summarization, useful for basic tasks.
  • Data collection and cleaning.ipynb A utility notebook, for downloading and cleaning data in preparation for summarization.
  • sample texts/ a few sample documents of different lengths, already cleaned and ready to summarize.
  • detect_attribution.ipynb a novel way to detect attributions at the sentence level, increasing user trust.
  • Prompt_evauluation - examples of how to build a framework for evaluation accuracy. A more advanced version is in the prompt decompostion folder.
  • Prompt Decomposition - examples of how to break down prompts into multiple steps to solve for accuracy, cost, scale, and latency.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.