AWS Retail Demo Store is a sample retail web application and workshop platform demonstrating how AWS infrastructure and services can be used to build compelling customer experiences for eCommerce, retail, and digital marketing use-cases
Jupyter NotebookMIT-0
- afelipeg0808Mexico City
- arunkrdas
- basexJumpseller
- BastLeblancAWS
- benjymoses@AWS
- dougfieldsVirtual Content Management
- dstroppaLondon, UK
- eemailme
- ehabqadahLean Tech
- Solutions
- Gilles00@Airme-Technologies
- indicali
- jhcloos
- k2hwang
- ksharlandjievLondon, UK
- kunal732HelloDX
- lohithgcLondon
- manbearsharkAWS
- mayuxian
- mridehalghLancashire, UK
- muneer0072000
- oodgaardUltraServe
- ozfSoftware Square, Byte Town, Logicstate, Computronia
- poodeSuplift
- priyankach510
- renfuting
- rkholoniuk
- Sandy4321
- snatch8mm
- tabsantos
- wanderleisouza