
Pricing: AWS Transfer Family ($.30 per hour - SFTP Endpoint fee)

a-patel opened this issue · 1 comments

I have created POC for Live Streaming (Europe Ireland region):

  • AWS MediaLive
  • AWS MediaPackage
    I have used Standard Definition (SD) (10MBPS) with Single-pipeline channel.

I have used live streaming for max 30-40 minutes. After my testing of live streaming, I had deleted MediaPackage Endpoint and Stopped the MediaLive Channel.

After 24 hours I charged:

  • MediaLive: $0.89
  • MediaPackage: $0.04
  • Transfer Family (AWS Transfer Family EU-ENDPOINT - $.30 per hour - SFTP Endpoint fee: 432.000 Hourly) - $129.60 (?????)

No used:
AWS CloudFront

Why below charges?
Transfer Family (AWS Transfer Family EU-ENDPOINT - $.30 per hour - SFTP Endpoint fee: 432.000 Hourly) - $129.60

Any alternate solution?

Yes, my bad. It looks like SMTP charges are from other services.