AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that you can use with your microservices to manage service to service communication
- alexei-ledDoIT International
- alexpulverAWS
- auraherrera
- bcelenzaTasso, Inc.
- bernosMelbourne, Australia
- bradenschmidtJust Eat Takeaway
- BrianChristieSan Francisco
- buheChina
- cc654586411ShenZhen
- coultn@aws
- deric4The Hood Canal
- evgpisarchik
- ianors
- igrowheart
- johnny-ct
- jonmort
- josephlocascioNew Relic
- kgoralski@starburstdata @trinodb
- kmsheehan
- lavignesAmazon / @aws
- leandrocostam@regrowag
- mattroberts297@cakesolutions
- mhausenblas@aws
- nerdondonSoCal
- PedroAlvarado
- pofallonFlorida, US
- rcarmo@Microsoft
- remychantenay@zalando
- rothgar@SideroLabs
- samdenglerCapital One
- satishvSecond Genome
- shandrew
- stefanprodan@controlplaneio
- stsdema28
- swe-ds
- y-ohgivoicheer llc.