- 2
[Feature request] Deployments to ASG Warm pool instances using CodeDeploy lifecycle hooks
#390 opened by pawelhajski - 2
[Feature Request] Debian (12 Bookworm) support
#375 opened by marcelrouw - 6
Debian package depends on ruby version < 3.1, even though 3.1 and 3.2 is supported
#371 opened by anderscarling - 0
Feature Request: Add folder option to github-location when create deployment
#401 opened by owenowenisme - 0
credential behavior used by codedeploy-agent differed depending on Amazon Linux version
#399 opened by plane11 - 0
codedeploy-agent randomly fails to install on AL2023 (can't create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock)
#398 opened by jocel1 - 0
Ruby 3.3 support
#397 opened by kichik - 0
Permission denied @ rb_sysopen
#395 opened by a-jackson - 2
Some request missing SNI field
#394 opened by nwesoccer - 0
- 0
- 1
DownloadBundle deployment lifecycle events for troubleshooting UnknownError: execution expired
#383 opened by tangzhiqiangh - 0
[Issue] : cron job not running as expected after CodeDeploy changes the code in EC2 using CodePipeline
#392 opened by zaladevdeep - 1
CodeDeploy agent support for RHEL 9
#387 opened by sanjeevgopal - 0
- 1
Failed deployment DownloadBundle events with error "No such file or directory - getcwd"
#384 opened by TomZhuPlanetart - 1
Add the CodeDeploy agent to the PATH
#385 opened by nbro10 - 0
- 1
CodeDeplot Access denied when calling ""
#374 opened by robertxd0 - 1
Service is running but with errors
#379 opened by rsorelli-hedgepoint - 1
CodeDeploy 'Downloading failed from s3 bucket' at "DownloadBundle" step
#378 opened by thetakdev - 0
- 3
- 0
- 1
Code deploy falling very frequently
#373 opened by realtyassistantcrm - 0
- 9
- 6
codedeploy-agent gets stuck on the wrong deployment ID, incorrectly reports missing scripts
#348 opened by gh-andre - 0
[Feature Request]Appspec.yml validation
#369 opened by t0shiii - 0
Move After to proper systemd unit file section
#368 opened by mwjones-aws - 0
[Feature Request] macOS support
#367 opened by mwjones-aws - 0
- 0
[Feature Request] support deployment specification params formatting in appspec.yml
#365 opened by mwjones-aws - 1
Script at specified location: scripts/ run as user root failed with exit code 1
#341 opened by vijay2801 - 2
- 0
Announcement: Releasing Agent 1.6.0 to all regions
#360 opened by t0shiii - 0
AWS Code deploy agent being blocked by Endgame
#364 opened by rajnikjoshi - 2
hi dear please help this error message
#362 opened by Parthi2000 - 3
RVM 2.7.7 symlink on Ubuntu 22 not successfully allowing code-deploy-agent installation
#346 opened by alilland - 6
- 3
RedHat 8.7 installation failed latest version 1.5.0-57
#353 opened by R00T88 - 1
Ruby 3.1 and 3.2 support
#355 opened by t0shiii - 1
AL2023 Support
#358 opened by philstrong - 1
no implicit conversion of Array into String (TypeError) if File.exist?(path)
#357 opened by AghaShayan123 - 4
- 0
Feature: detect changes to credentials and reload
#354 opened by rogermyung - 0
Fast fail of deployments when agent crashes
#356 opened by t0shiii - 2
- 0
Announcement: Releasing Agent 1.4.1 to all regions
#343 opened by t0shiii - 1