- 4
Getting BadCiphertextException: Invalid version
#2042 opened by Smaz2024 - 1
[Question] Migrating from 2.4.1 to 3.0.0
#2035 opened by mode-ankit-khandelwal - 1
[Question] What is the appropriate dependency to import to upgrade from 2.4.1 to 3.0.0?
#2044 opened by dbwiddis - 1
JavaDocs: Document replacement methods for MKP methods
#2040 opened by texastony - 4
Encryption Context for DecryptionMaterials on v3.0.0
#2036 opened by alexyap1205 - 1
- 10
[Question] en/decryptData with CryptoMaterialsManager is deprecated, how to migrate to non-deprecated?
#2033 opened by StiviiK - 3
AwsKmsMrkAwareMasterKeyProvider always attempts to resolve defaultRegion through DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain
#1768 opened by spennymac - 0
- 1
Support mark with CryptoInputStream
#1279 opened by neetikasinghal - 3
Intermittent exception in thread "main" com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.exception.CannotUnwrapDataKeyException: Unable to decrypt any data keys
#1805 opened by abhijeet-srivastava - 1
Thread Pinning With Virtual Threads
#1985 opened by bcluap - 1
Need to encrypt and decrypt with separate AWS account. How to specify the AWS access key and secret key programatically
#1996 opened by mkumar-creditshop - 1
Chore: Audit Dependencies
#1892 opened by texastony - 3
Maven Compile Warning for SuppressFBWarnings
#1786 opened by adase11 - 1
- 5
Readme example uses deprecated functions
#419 opened by ewanmellor - 1
- 1
Intermittently we get "com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.exception.CannotUnwrapDataKeyException: Unable to decrypt any data keys" caused by "com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.exception.NoSuchMasterKeyException: Key must be in supplied list of keyIds"
#1869 opened by mgilgar - 3
Need to generate data key without plaintext
#1783 opened by disrael-globality - 3
Use the `jdk18on` variant of Bouncy Castle
#1472 opened by skagedal - 1
CVE-2023-33201 - new Encryption SDK release?
#1669 opened by mrwilby - 2
AWSCredentialsProvider Not Found
#1604 opened by charmbv - 1
AWSCredentialsProvider Not Found
#1591 opened by stephendanielxxx - 1
cannot execute the representative example code because of ClassNotFoundException
#1427 opened by EverettDunamu - 1
Version 2.4.0 does not work with graalvm, class VersionInfo, error: "java.lang.NullPointerException: inStream parameter is null"
#1030 opened by bnegrao - 3
Getting `CannotUnwrapDataKeyException` on v2.4.0 when using alias for decryption
#815 opened by farazoman - 2
AWS SDK and version policy unclear
#834 opened by wduminy - 1
- 4
- 1
Support EC Algorithms/Keys
#352 opened by MikeDombo - 1
Support KMS asymmetric keys
#237 opened by anmgarg - 2
Revisit examples (update/finalize)
#225 opened by acioc - 1
keyrings MUST fail if they refuse to take action
#216 opened by mattsb42-aws - 0
Update PR template to ask about spec
#208 opened by lavaleri - 1
Return nothing from Put Cache Entry in CMC
#207 opened by alex-chew - 1
- 1
Add maxHeaderSize Decrypt option
#205 opened by lavaleri - 2
Support decryption verification after encryption
#279 opened by adam-aws - 2
- 3
- 3
Version 2.3.0 incompatible with SpringBoot - KmsMasterKey class does not load
#261 opened by sparecycles - 1
[Error] Bad trailing signature on Corretto JVM
#239 opened by Xuqing888 - 4
- 3
- 6
- 2
Is AwsCrypto reentrant?
#240 opened by kevinashaw - 3
- 2
- 0
CryptoOutputStream outputs invalid message when used to encrypt empty plaintext
#218 opened by lavaleri