Is the max size of MQTT_Subscribe's second parameter 8?
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hassan-intretech commented
I build and test the demo 'mqtt_demo_mutual_auth'
when I call 'MQTT_Subscribe' to subscribe a pGlobalSubscriptionList with size is more then 8, I got an error:
[ERROR] [Transport_OpenSSL_Sockets] [openssl_posix.c:845] Failed to receive data over network: SSL_read failed: ErrorStatus=EVP lib.
[ERROR] [DEMO] [feeder_mqtt.c:1631] MQTT_ProcessLoop failed to receive ACK packet: Expected ACK Packet ID=01, LoopDuration=819, Status=MQTTRecvFailed
But if the size of pGlobalSubscriptionList is less than 8, I can subscribe and publish success.
Here is my code of subscribeToTopic function:
static int subscribeToTopic( MQTTContext_t * pMqttContext )
int returnStatus = EXIT_SUCCESS;
MQTTStatus_t mqttStatus;
assert( pMqttContext != NULL );
/* Start with everything at 0. */
( void ) memset( ( void * ) pGlobalSubscriptionList, 0x00, sizeof( pGlobalSubscriptionList ) );
/* This example subscribes to only one topic and uses QOS1. */
/* Generate packet identifier for the SUBSCRIBE packet. */
globalSubscribePacketIdentifier = MQTT_GetPacketId( pMqttContext );
for(int i=0;i<11;i++)
printf("============================topic:%s, len:%d, id:%d\r\n",pGlobalSubscriptionList[ i ].pTopicFilter,pGlobalSubscriptionList[ i ].topicFilterLength,globalSubscribePacketIdentifier);
printf("==================pGlobalSubscriptionList size:%d\r\n", sizeof( pGlobalSubscriptionList ) / sizeof( MQTTSubscribeInfo_t ));
/* Send SUBSCRIBE packet. */
mqttStatus = MQTT_Subscribe( pMqttContext,
sizeof( pGlobalSubscriptionList ) / sizeof( MQTTSubscribeInfo_t ),
``` globalSubscribePacketIdentifier );
if( mqttStatus != MQTTSuccess )
LogError( ( "Failed to send SUBSCRIBE packet to broker with error = %s.",
MQTT_Status_strerror( mqttStatus ) ) );
returnStatus = EXIT_FAILURE;
LogInfo( ( "SUBSCRIBE sent for topic %.*s to broker.\n\n",
return returnStatus;
chinglee-iot commented
AWS IoT Core limits a single SUBSCRIBE request has a quota of 8 subscriptions.
Please reference this document.