- 14
HandleKeepAlive frequently calls MQTT_Ping
#1915 opened by xiaomizhouya - 4
OTA_Shutdown() not releasing resources
#1910 opened by coratron - 1
S3 upload file size limit
#1921 opened by Gwanyoung-K - 5
Mutual TLS not working as expected
#1920 opened by facucc - 1
CMake Configuration error when the SDK is not on the top level of the source tree
#1916 opened by IdrisCodes - 1
Continuously "An MQTT session with broker is re-established. Resending unacked publishes"
#1914 opened by Gwanyoung-K - 1
- 8
- 15
Excessive data consumption
#1909 opened by coratron - 7
s3 bucket download size
#1905 opened by WeiWei00123 - 5
mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x7780
#1898 opened by yasiralijaved - 1
Device shadow implementation in existing MQTT protocol.
#1908 opened by raviraj78 - 1
- 4
SSL_connect failed to perform TLS handshake
#1904 opened by zhangshouyin - 12
Jobs debug
#1906 opened by yanyunfanblill - 1
- 4
../../../lib/ error: undefined reference to '__fpclassify'
#1902 opened by Gwanyoung-K - 3
mqtt_demo_mutual_auth get error "SSL_connect failed to perform TLS handshake."
#1880 opened by chenxiang1001 - 6
MQTT_Publish() return MQTTSuccess,but the message is not being published to broker successfuly
#1900 opened by zhengasif - 10
Facing issue in connecting to the AWS server/broker. aws_iot_mqtt_connect() function returns NETWORK_ALREADY_CONNECTED_ERROR
#1876 opened by SwapnaBaviskarEmr - 6
Local device cannot connect to Greengrass Core
#1863 opened by zhangzz0413 - 1
Problems occur when cross-compiling using wolfssl-5.6.3 to replace openssl-1.1.0
#1895 opened by itmanlee - 10
How can I make the "mqtt_demo_mutual_auth" to integrate with custom authentication?
#1885 opened by leozzmc - 1
- 15
generate a presigned URL to file in S3
#1887 opened by giuspen - 2
OpenSSL 3.X support
#1886 opened by nawata-akihiro - 1
- 2
OTA with file larger than 16 MB
#1888 opened by giuspen - 6
Facing issue with the aws_iot_mqtt_yield
#1882 opened by SwamidasSilabs - 4
In order to increase the number of topics which defines in the stack need to modified.
#1879 opened by SwapnaBaviskarEmr - 7
in demo fleet provisioning with CSR the reconstructed mbedtls_pk_context is incorrect
#1878 opened by giuspen - 3
Publishing messages often results in errors
#1871 opened by ZL-LF - 5
- 4
Requesting examples without SSL
#1873 opened by karthikkumarb - 2
Question about the transport
#1872 opened by jamesluo11 - 3
0E (75406) aws_iot: failed! mbedtls_ssl_write returned -0x4e on esp32 when using greengrass and ble together
#1869 opened by AnoopYash - 4
Please share a basic simple MQTT publish code
#1864 opened by georgethomas08 - 2
Publish/subscribe failed with specific resource arn for AWS freeRTOS demo applications
#1838 opened by SruthiAlajangi-AlifSemi - 7
After continuously reporting shadow data for a period of time, the server connection is reset (0x50), and the device cannot be reconnected
#1851 opened by ZL-LF - 3
looking for a bare-metal example
#1862 opened by ahsf - 6
AWS IoT Core sdk with mbedTLS demo
#1857 opened by rakesh5283 - 1
Support need to build for arm architecture
#1854 opened by georgethomas08 - 6
Streaming binary data to S3
#1841 opened by dizcza - 3
If the cloud platform is disconnected, the sdk will not call back the disconnected state
#1847 opened by moookpn - 3
! mbedtls_ssl_read returned -0x7880
#1842 opened by sandipmaurya - 3
Control IoT devices via Alexa
#1846 opened by KadaHarshavardhan - 2
segmentation fault on shadow demo
#1843 opened by certabitmh - 4
Tunnelling services
#1840 opened by GiulioDallaVecchia - 2
Subscribe action failing from client with fleet provisioning specific topic resource in claim policy
#1833 opened by SruthiAlajangi-AlifSemi - 1
mqtt_demo_basic_tls will fail to connect until client cert/private key are added to the openssl credentials
#1834 opened by lars-t-hansen