- 2
- 4
- 1
- 1
MQTT Connection not lost when keepAlive is set to 1 minute but happening when set to 20 mins
#175 opened by anilkamaraju - 3
The connect to IOT device tutorial doesn't work if pom.xml has 1.3.9 version of aws-iot-device-sdk-java
#174 opened by brijeshkundu - 2
- 2
shadow sample run failed
#172 opened by jonenet - 12
AWS IoT Java SDK fails to publish after a period of inactivity and blocks retries for ~3s
#170 opened by nakulny - 7
Cannot connect to AWS IoT using MQTT over WebSocket with AWS Signature Version 4 authentication
#162 opened by volphy - 4
- 2
- 5
- 3
Trying to connect to AWS IoT using MQTT over WebSocket with AWS Signature Version 4 authentication.
#109 opened by abhigithub911 - 2
Wrong ping timer behaviour - required new version of org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3
#145 opened by sistik - 9
SDK 1.3.7 IoT client reconnections and timeouts
#154 opened by SOLR4189 - 6
SDK 1.3.7 AWSIotMqttClient Connection, if its closed after 5 retries, how to establish connection again
#153 opened by viswanag - 2
Failed to build on Java 11.0.8
#146 opened by primetomas - 1
- 2
- 2
MQTT Publish message with QoS0 always return success even if there is some error at network level
#155 opened by sachdevashikha - 3
Error while installing the nexus-staging-maven-plugin-1.6.3.pom by maven while building the yocto project for imx
#149 opened by sdikshit786 - 2
Thread hangs when trying to create a thing
#150 opened by jonyt - 9
Callback for onConnectionClosed
#132 opened by jag3435 - 5
Failed to subscribe to device topic
#113 opened by sorincezar - 4
- 5
- 6
AWS IoT Broker disconnects upon publish request
#144 opened by bszekely - 1
AWSIotMqttClient support for CredentialsProvider
#143 opened by mygordienko - 2
User MqttClient in Greengrass Lambda
#121 opened by abroekhuis - 1
I want to connect your lib to android studio project, but it not working in main thread, i used asynctask to resolve it but it even not working, please help me. thanks all
#122 opened by tunglamdev198 - 2
IAM role support missing
#108 opened by volphy - 2
- 1
- 2 when publishing in android
#136 opened by DragosIlies - 7
Shadow update leads to connection deadlock
#131 opened by jag3435 - 1
AWSIOT client keeps connecting and disconnecting.
#134 opened by DragosIlies - 1
- 2
No messages received from PublishSubscribeSample
#128 opened by khoobks - 5
AwsIotException when try to access Thing Shadow
#125 opened by juniorklein - 1
- 1
BUG: Intermittent very fast reconnection issue
#123 opened by sandyscoffable - 2
- 1
NoSuchMethodError: No static method decodeBase64(Ljava/lang/String;)[B in class Lorg/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64; or its super classes (declaration of 'org.apache.commons.codec.b
#120 opened by tunglamdev198 - 1
Custom Health check for aws iot things
#112 opened by VelDeveloper - 1
Couldn't connect with AWS IOT using aws-java-sdk
#111 opened by VelDeveloper - 8
- 3
Where to put the CA certificate in PubSub project
#110 opened by Akefhabbal - 4
No 1.3.1 JAR File on Maven Repository
#103 opened by shahtanay - 2
- 1
not support in Android <= 6.0
#104 opened by nowilike