Python library to compile, build & package AWS Lambda functions for several runtimes & framework
Pinned issues
- 2
No support for Python packages that rely on manylinux wheels newer than `manylinux2014`
#700 opened by svet-b - 6
SAM build continually updates Lambda Tools
#347 opened by XXChester - 3
Bug: sam build GoModulesBuilder fails to output the relevant error message, outputs "directory not found" instead
#676 opened by distinctdan - 3
Feature request: Add support for pyproject.toml
#688 opened by pkarakal - 1
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Bug: sam build fails to install onnxruntime==1.18.1
#674 opened by zhemaituk - 3
Feature request: Builder for Javascript with yarn ?
#669 opened by pithu - 2
Bug: deplyoyment issue with esbuild > 0.22.0
#662 opened by anthony-nhs - 4
- 3
Bug: Building a NodeJS Lambda with husky in the "prepare" script fails
#635 opened by having-fun-serverless - 2
Bug: sam build --use-container fails to install llama-cpp-python on python 3.10 and above
#624 opened by StefanSmith - 5
Bug: Cannot build projects with multiple Rust-based Lambdas and using Cargo workspaces
#634 opened by lmammino - 3
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Bug: `sam build` and `sam local start-api` always pass `--release` to cargo lambda build
#607 opened by jifalops - 2
Bug: dnf command does not work on version of publish around 2023.12.05 16:00 UTC
#586 opened by loesak - 4
- 0
[Announcement] Upcoming Runtime Deprecations
#577 opened by mildaniel - 0
[Announcement] .NET Core 3.1 Runtime Deprecation
#479 opened by mildaniel - 3
NodejsNpmEsbuildBuilder:NpmInstall - NPM Failed: npm WARN config production Use `--omit=dev` instead
#553 opened by yegorpetrov - 2
Bug: Using AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion with BuildMethod: makefile and python runtime fails to build
#566 opened by shanti-calleja-its - 5
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Using pip 23.1 produces invalid deployment file when package references other local packages
#489 opened by nejcskofic - 1
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How to make `sam` hold my SSH keys so `sam build` can download dependencies from my private repository?
#390 opened by MinsungKim-BlockCrafters - 3
SAM build failed in sam cli using python 3.9.
#388 opened by collegestudies - 5
sam build doesn't support file as CodeUri
#373 opened by chizou - 7
SAM build fails on 'npm prune'
#304 opened by josep11 - 1
[Announcement] Deprecating Go Dep Builder
#341 opened by jfuss - 4
- 1
`JavaMavenWorkflow:MavenCopyDependency` does not copy `runtime` dependencies
#311 opened by saraiyakush - 8
sam build --use-container fails with Error: PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - {wrapt==1.13.1(sdist)} when building for ARM, but not for x86
#302 opened by glez-aws - 1
- 3
sam build with Gradle packages unnecessary JARs.
#339 opened by shearn89