Official mirror for interface definitions and helper classes for Java code running on the AWS Lambda platform.
Pinned issues
- 7
AWS Lambda Core Library for Java does not have V2
#509 opened by Abhisha1 - 0
Issue with Map types in CognitoUserPoolPreTokenGenerationEventV2 -> GroupOverrideDetails
#516 opened by torbjokv - 6
Unable to upgrade with newer Jackson - conflicting `com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat`
#448 opened by aleskiewicz - 1
Not getting records for S3Event (version 2.1)
#481 opened by konstantinj - 2
APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent.toString() broken
#362 opened by rudpot - 1
Response streaming support for java lambda
#476 opened by Unshure - 1
- 1
Support v2 of Pre Token Generation Lambda
#464 opened by NikolayMetchev - 1
- 0
Looks like jackson's annotations are ignored
#491 opened by jjant - 2
Compatibility in java versions
#486 opened by yuuresuzuki - 0
CloudWatch Alarm event
#484 opened by DSkoufis - 0
- 1
- 2
AWS documentation says LambdaLogger will default to the INFO log level, but it is actually defaulting to UNDEFINED
#466 opened by stefansundin - 1
Why does amazon not support a unified naming standard for java libs?
#474 opened by patrickjamesbarry - 0
- 6
- 7
- 6
SNSEvent Jackson mixins are Incomplete
#451 opened by tduncan - 2
- 0
Support VPC Lattice event structure
#443 opened by deki - 2
AWS lamba core reactive types
#424 opened by nikeshhajari - 2
EventLoader unable to correctly deserialize posted json body data for APIGateway events
#432 opened by bakerhaasis - 6
CognitoUserPoolVerifyAuthChallengeResponseEvent.Request`challengeAnswer` property is of incorrect type
#355 opened by sdaletalentful - 5
- 2
RequestStreamHandler not working as expect
#421 opened by liewhite - 6
Log issues when using the Quarkus Java framework
#397 opened by einarjohnson - 3
- 6
- 2
KinesisEvent not parsed correctly
#405 opened by Eckelf - 1
Support Event Step Function
#395 opened by fedeValtira - 9
SnapStart Support
#380 opened by softprops - 4
- 0
Announcement: default branch renaming
#387 opened by smirnoal - 3
- 1
Add clientCert to APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent
#365 opened by deki - 0
Lambda input parameter deserialisation using Lombok doesn't work for @Jacksonized @Builder
#368 opened by johannesfloriangeiger - 6
Jackson deserializer is not case insensitive for SQSEvent in aws-lambda-java-runtime-interface-client and provided GraalVM runtime
#351 opened by kiritsuku - 5
Bug: JSON serialization ignores fields from child classes (Java 8 Lambda runtime works, Java 11 Lambda runtime fails)
#358 opened by Dretch - 1
- 2
CVE on aws-lambda-java-serialization
#357 opened by nutzhub - 4
- 3
- 0
- 2
- 2
- 5
Uniformize Maven Projects via Parent
#327 opened by driverpt - 2
domainPrefix is missing from request context ?
#330 opened by vedrax-admin - 2