
S3 - CompleteMultiPartUpload

PeterMcKinnis opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

The S3 function CompletedMultipartUpload doesn't work because the generated payload xml looks like this


instead of


This is caused by a bug here which is easily fixed.

// aws_client\lib\src\generated\s3\v2006_03_01.dart - line 335

      /// 'MultipartUpload' in the following line should be 'CompleteMultipartUpload'
      payload: multipartUpload?.toXml('MultipartUpload'),

However, looks like this code is auto generated, so maybe it's a bug with the API definition or the code generator? Not sure.

Expected Behavior

Calls to 'CompleteMultipartUpload' work.

Current Behavior

Calls to 'CompleteMultipartUpload' fail with a MalformedXML exception.

Reproduction Steps

You will need to enter your own S3 credentials and a path to any file larger than 8Mb on your system.

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:aws_s3_api/s3-2006-03-01.dart' as s3;

void main() async {
  final client = s3.S3(
      region: "My Region",
      endpointUrl: "My S3 EndpointUrl",
      credentials: s3.AwsClientCredentials(
          accessKey: "My AccessKey", secretKey: "My SecretKey"));

  await uploadMultiPart(client, bucket: "My Bucket", key: "TempKeyAHKIQ", file: File(r"My Path To Any File larger than 8Mb"));


Future<void> uploadMultiPart(s3.S3 client,
    {required String bucket,
    required String key,
    required File file,
    Map<String, String>? metadata,
    int maxChunkSize = 8 * 1 << 20}) async {
  // Start Multi Part Upload
  var upload = await client.createMultipartUpload(
      bucket: bucket, key: key, metadata: metadata);
  var uploadId = upload.uploadId!;

  // Upload Chunks
  var fileReader = await;
  var partNumber = 1;
  var parts = <s3.CompletedPart>[];
  while (true) {
    var bytes = await;
    if (bytes.isEmpty) {
    var part = await client.uploadPart(
        bucket: bucket,
        key: key,
        partNumber: partNumber,
        uploadId: uploadId,
        body: bytes);
    var eTag = part.eTag!;
    parts.add(s3.CompletedPart(eTag: eTag, partNumber: partNumber));
    partNumber += 1;

  // Complete Multi-Part Upload
  await client.completeMultipartUpload(
      bucket: bucket,
      key: key,
      multipartUpload: s3.CompletedMultipartUpload(parts: parts),
      uploadId: uploadId);

Possible Solution

No response

Additional Information/Context

See official documentation here

SDK version used

Dart (dev)

Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)

"Windows 10 Home" 10.0 (Build 19045)

Posted this in completely the wrong place. Closing, please ignore.