AWS SDK for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js (In Maintenance Mode, End-of-Life on 09/08/2025). The AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 in the browser and Node.js is available here:
Pinned issues
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- 3
I want to use Lambda with the event sources SQS & API Gateway with SDKv3 and without a SDKv2 dependency
#4616 opened by ehuebner - 1
Intermittent `InvalidSignatureException`/`SignatureDoesNotMatch` errors using current SDK client versions
#4689 opened by clocked0ne - 5
AWS Data api gives error when running queries concurrently in a transaction
#4615 opened by livingforjesus - 1
- 0
AWS SDK for JavaScript v2 is in Maintenance Mode
#4679 opened by aBurmeseDev - 8
my aws-sdk project dont work in VUE3+Vite
#4638 opened by jy852095639 - 6
AWS SDK for JavaScript v2 Upcoming End-of-Support
#4601 opened by trivikr - 4
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Intermittent RequestTimeout: Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. Idle connections will be closed.
#4573 opened by hetpatel33 - 3
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Error on InitiateAuthCommand with good cred >> NotAuthorizedException: Incorrect username or password >> But cr
#4642 opened by smichel-amiltone - 7
EKS Pod Identity does not work with aws-sdk v2
#4566 opened by k4kratik - 5
AthenaClient trying to access athena in the own account
#4652 opened by DantasB - 0
S3 SDK... -_-
#4660 opened by xanderbilla - 2
local no error, dev error
#4653 opened by xinzhiheng123 - 1
Node @aws-sdk/client-s3 throws an error at import: options.useFipsEndpoint ?? false (Invalid or unexpected token)
#4658 opened by SamyGarib - 2
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Cognito: UserNotConfirmedException before NotAuthorized
#4608 opened by cbaser - 10
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Service: AmazonSimpleEmailService; Status Code: 403
#4610 opened by SreedharLilly - 2
Missing `ec2/paginateDescribeVpcEndpointServices` method
#4614 opened by nmussy - 1
MediaConnect addFlowOutputs
#4627 opened by PatrickBichiou - 3
issue in installing aws-sdk@2.1572.0
#4602 opened by nishikant-rsystems - 3
For this specific case, an empty profile is passed in configFileSelector
#4595 opened by sriharshini22 - 2
How to pass filter params for custom filter parameters to quicksightClient.generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser()
#4611 opened by SinhaRakesh - 2
S3 ManagedUpload is too slow without listObjectV2 call
#4557 opened by hhvys - 4
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Announcement link in V2 EOL banner doesn't work
#4617 opened by perpil - 2
Could we recommend developers to install `@aws-sdk/client-ses` directly? We now need to install `aws-sdk` first, then migrate from v2 to v3 with `aws-sdk-js-codemod`.
#4605 opened by tjcchen - 2
(short issue description)
#4606 opened by scott-threet-konecranes - 2
AWS Batch API - ListJobs response missing 'statusReason' when request params include 'filters'
#4587 opened by andyluong1998 - 10
RDS data API cannot handle insert enum
#4563 opened by jakeleventhal - 1
Using useFipsEndpoint to true for Kinesis Client in Gov region builds incorrect fips-endpoint URL
#4613 opened by sherpapasang - 1
AWS.SsoCredentials is not a constructor
#4588 opened by atomicfraser - 2
SageMaker ListDevices in us-west-1 "This operation is not supported in this region"
#4584 opened by ziadkh-amzn - 0
LakeFormation listPermissions returns abnormal result
#4583 opened by HagunKim - 2
How to get to the video is the conversion complete?
#4579 opened by ch930410 - 1
S3 - CompleteMultiPartUpload
#4581 opened by PeterMcKinnis - 2
AWS -SDK and Angular 17 issue
#4568 opened by rwahdan1978 - 2
Getting Project Config from Console Injection
#4567 opened by rajeshigo - 1
Dependency xml2js Impacting Library
#4558 opened by WillianAgostini - 1
EventBridge putRule/PutRuleCommand: ERROR ValidationException: 1 validation error detected: Value 'aws.partner/' at 'eventBusName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [\.\-_A-Za-z0-9]+
#4572 opened by YAssineAbGit - 2
MediaPipeline did not record video individual streams
#4570 opened by Kick933 - 1
S3Client initialization failes for credentials fromEnv()
#4547 opened by skew202 - 1
sqs.sendMessage is sometimes very slow or fails
#4537 opened by kim-sung-jee - 0
@aws-sdk/lib-storage CORS-less Cross-Origin Requests
#4533 opened by cesco69