Pinned issues
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AWS Xray : Can we have AWSXRayServletFilter bean along with a OncePerRequestFilter request filter ?
#394 opened by isururandika - 1
Bug: Service Map does not show S3 bucket name
#390 opened by Swish4114 - 0
- 7
S3 TransferManager incompatible with AWS X-Ray
#313 opened by Zhenye-Na - 2
Failed to begin subsegment in Spring Filters
#290 opened by ramkumar-mn - 0
Bug: Tracing for AWS SDKv2 clients does not use the allow listed parameters for SQS/SNS
#373 opened by humanzz - 16
ClassNotFoundException: when including aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-v2-instrumentor
#380 opened by verbitan - 2
Failed to send over 64KB for subsegment output
#388 opened by feizhangyong - 4
- 2
[GraalVM] No serializer found for class
#324 opened by smoell - 1
AWS SDK for Kotlin Integration
#381 opened by aajtodd - 8
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subsegment cloudwatch latency metrics
#368 opened by girotomas - 11
Code deadlock due to synchronized blocks
#303 opened by narras-oss - 3
How to propagate trace from SQS to Lambda?
#351 opened by andreas-trvlk - 1
Random failures regarding SegmentNotFoundException in multithreaded application
#355 opened by NoMemoryError - 7
Unable to suppress xray logging in AWS
#341 opened by chaitanguttarlapalli - 0
Remove no-op segments from context when closed
#348 opened by willarmiros - 1
Segment Executor not running in background
#347 opened by MostafaaRamadan - 1
Adding Subsegment.setShouldPropagate(boolean)
#346 opened by Kurru - 6
Deadlock in DefaultStreamingStrategy when ending a subsegment with many threads on the same Segment
#318 opened by Kurru - 1
Default streaming strategy for Lambda should export segments immediately upon ending
#327 opened by NathanielRN - 6
- 0
Support Async multi-threading
#335 opened by wangzlei - 1
StringTransform optimization
#304 opened by productivityindustries - 1
Using X-Ray throws ClassCastExceptions for Subsegments, documentation unclear
#326 opened by shearn89 - 1
A way to use ThreadPoolExecutor in SegmentContextExecutors.newSegmentContextExecutor()
#322 opened by task4233 - 2
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How to extend Xray Apache HTTP ClientBuilder?
#321 opened by kjhok1811 - 2
[GraalVM]: No serializer found for class
#323 opened by smoell - 2
Subsegment missing in trace
#319 opened by Ftwpker - 1
AmazonMQ support
#286 opened by jakubgruber - 1
Update Documentation for AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING allowed values like IGNORE_ERROR
#302 opened by gautam-nutalapati - 7
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SegmentNotFoundException: No segment in progress.
#300 opened by lishenwp - 2
SNS-SQS Tracing
#298 opened by HamzaOralK - 5
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Add "Automatic-Module-Name" to JAR Manifest
#292 opened by brcolow - 3
Spring: Hardcoded reference to XRayEnabled.class makes AbstractXRayInterceptor less useful
#282 opened by stnor - 15