Automatic Dam Shutter Control System

Circuit Diagram


  1. Get distance of water from SONAR and convert distance to height using damHeight.
  2. If the height of water is too high (heightWater>heighOpen) start opening the gate (start the motor).
  3. Once enough time has passed (openTok - openTik > openTime) stop opening the gate (stop the motor).
  4. If the height is neither too high nor too low (heightClose<heightWater<heightOpen) keep the motor off.
  5. If gate is open(isOpen=true) and height of the water is too low (heightWater<heightClose) start closing nthe gate (start the motor in oposite direction).
  6. Once enough time has passed (closeTok - closeTik > closeTime) stop closing the gate (stop the motor).

Total States

There are total 4 states,

  1. Opening
  2. Opened
  3. Closing
  4. Closed


  1. Keep heightClose & heightOpen value close.
  2. Keep heightClose > Mininum water height when gate is open.

Video Presentation