
LLM Prompt Recovery - Find the prompt used in LLM to transform a given text

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LLM Prompt Recovery with KerasNLP and Keras

In this competition, the goal is to find the prompt used to transform a given text. Specifically, we're seeking the prompt or instruction used in the Gemma 7B-it model to convert one text to another. Typically, large language models are instructed to transform one text to another style, but here we're tasked with the inverse: finding the instruction/prompt used for the transformation. This notebook walks you through fine-tuning the Gemma 2b-it model with LoRA for this prompt recovery task using KerasNLP. Witih KerasNLP, we can fine-tune with LoRA using just a few lines of code.

Fun fact: This notebook is backend-agnostic, supporting TensorFlow, PyTorch, and JAX. However, the best performance can be achieved with JAX. KerasNLP and Keras enable the choice of preferred backend. Explore further details on Keras.

Note: Code is available at kaggle.