AWS Containers Immersion Day

Helper scripts for aws staff facilitating the workshop

The scripts will run some tests to check the participant has done the requested steps for each lab.

The lab* scripts will fast forward a participant (or a facilitator) to help them catch up: - does all the setup and applies the root disk resize fix (see known issues below) - will build the repective X lab from the workshop and run the tests

Cleanup/reset will take the participants environment back to the beginning state of the lab. The could then get them back to a particular part of the workshop quickly.

Known issues with lab:

  • Without any actions you will run out of space on the root filesystem just after lab 5. To fix either:

    • run ./00-setup/ - which will rezie root disk to 32GB (no reboot required)
    • or just before you start lab 5 run (docker images -q | xargs docker rmi || true) 2> /dev/null
  • Edits must be done correctly

  • If a participant switches terminals some important environment variables will be undefined. Not always obvious (eg. leaves values unset in config files)

  • EKS build will fail if for soem reason Cloud9 temporary credentials are still enabled - check with this command:

aws cloud9 describe-environments --environment-id $C9_PID --query environments[0].managedCredentialsStatus --output text

The workshop default environment

OOTB the workshop provisions stack set: containersid

  • VPC,subnets, routes, NatGW, an instance profile
  • ECS Service, ECS TaskDefinition, Load balancer & target group
  • ECR repo for mono & like (empty)
  • dynamodb table and endpoint

Cloud9 IDE: Project-containersid ECS Cluster: Cluster-containersid Task def: Monolith-Definition-containersid:1 (uses public nginx image)
ECS Service: containersid-MythicalMonolithService-94G891MF0SXZ ClouldWatch: containersid-MythicalMonolithLogGroup-tN9a8V1mSrOA ECR: containersid-like-8vloc4ntgy1t (empty) ECR: containersid-mono-cxdsl3ptepdt (empty)

The Labs

Docker basics

Docker practice commands

LAB01 - docker stuff

Populates mono repo with one image

LAB02 - run a standalone task

New version of task definition (Monolith-Definition-containersid:2)- pointing to monolth image above Run the task - directly - (get it's public ip) - curl http://TASK_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS/mysfits check cloud watch - then stop the task

Lab03 - Use a service for the task definition

Update service to use the (Monolith-Definition-containersid:2) task definition

Lab04 - like microservive

Edit - enable like route rebuild docker image for monolyth (with new like route) - push mono image with "nolike" tag also build the like image - and push to like registry New task definition for mono (with nolike image) (Monolith-Definition-containersid:3) New take definition for like (containersid-like-tN9a8V1mSrOA:1) Update mono service - to use task defn (Monolith-Definition-containersid:3) Create new service for like

Lab05 - Build EKS Cluster

Install pre-reqs Temp creds off Launch cluster Test cluster [add console access]

Lab06 - Install ALB and K8s console

ALB controller provision K8s console

Lab07 deploy monolyth service

DynamoDB policy - for IRSA Service Account yaml for monolyth and deploy - includes service type LoadBalancer (port 80) curl update index.html - use alb

Lab08 like microservices, ingress to route

Edit - enable like route

push monolyth nolike push like yamp nolike, like deploy Create ingress - type alb / /like change index.html -> alb

Typical stack output:

(Also in workshop-1/cfn-output.json)

DynamoTable Table-containersid EKSCloud9EnvId LoadBalancerDNS ProfileName containersid-MythicalProfile-6CBwlzzuuXiX S3WebsiteURL SiteBucket containersid-mythicalbucket-ycm0sjnvgp13