Starting a Desktop Environment on AWS Cloud9 and access it securely using AWS Systems Manager port forwarding.


1. Create a Cloud9 environment

Use the AWS console to create a Cloud9 IDE

Use the options:

  • Create a new no-ingress EC2 instance for environment (access via Systems Manager)

This ensures there is no inbound access to the Cloud9 instance

  • Instance size t3.small (or larger)
  • Use Amazon Linux 2 (required)

2. Install additional software on the Cloud9 IDE

Clone this repo

From a Cloud9 Terminal window:

cd ~/environment
git clone

Install the desktop software and some sample apps

cd cloud9-tunnel-desktop

This script:

  • Installs the AWS cli (v2)

  • Increases the root disk size to 32GB

  • Installs the Amazon Linux 2 minimal Desktop software

  • Installs some sample apps:

    • The Chrome web browser
    • DBeaver - an open source database management tools
    • Microsoft's Visual Studio Code IDE
    • LENS a tool for managing Kubernetes clusters

You may see some yum lock errors during the install of the sample apps, these should resolve themselves after seeing the error 3 or 4 times.

A password is created for the ec2-user user and is output on the console at the end of the script output along with the Cloud9 EC2 instance id.

The ec2-user password is also stored in the hidden file: /home/ec2-user/.ec2user-creds. This password will be needed in step 4.

3. Check your permissions

Ensure you have these permissions for your IAM user or IAM role you use to sign in to AWS on your local machine:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [

Best Practice: reduce the scope of these permissions using a more specific resource and/or adding a condition clause.

Note: Modified IAM Permissions may take a minute to fully propagate.

4. Tunnel to your desktop from your local machine securely using AWS Systems Manager



Login to AWS using the AWS cli using your local machine

Using the instance ID of the Cloud9 (macOS & Linux):

aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID \
                       --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession \
                       --parameters '{"portNumber":["3389"],"localPortNumber":["9999"]}' 

Now connect to your desktop using your RDP client software using localhost:9999 Login as ec2-user and the password was created & output in step 2.

Use ctrl-c to terminate the above command when you have finished with the desktop session.

Windows users can instead use a command similar to:

aws ssm start-session --target i-xxxxxxxxxxx --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession --parameters "portNumber"=["3389"],"localPortNumber"=["9999"]

please see this blog post for further details on SSM port forwarding:

5. Customize your Desktop with the new applications

In your desktop open the file browser Navigate to /usr/share/applications

You should see icons for the applications we installed (Chrome, DBeaver, LENS and Visual Studio Code)

Right click on the applications icon and Copy to Desktop

✅ Enjoy the desktop !