Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK is for developers to install and customize realtime communication between devices and enable secure streaming of video, audio to Kinesis Video Streams.
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[Bug]: Aborted (core dumped)
#2080 opened by BigBBO - 5
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[Bug]: arm 32 bit compile error
#2065 opened by thomas-roos - 5
#2069 opened by xiaomizhouya - 0
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[Bug]: Sample session is closed on master side once viewer disconnection, but it will take time and some time not closed also.
#2064 opened by vasoyanikhil - 3
[QUESTION]Build help
#2051 opened by shotamishima - 30
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[Bug]: kvsWebrtcClientMasterGstSample segfaults when attempting to use IoT Credentials
#2050 opened by MattCairns - 3
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[Bug]: 1.10.2, kvsWebrtcClientMasterGstSample continually increases CPU usage
#2021 opened by lankahsu520 - 2
[BUG] Audio Recieved Delay Getting Bigger.
#2054 opened by liquanqing - 2
[QUESTION] host ice candidate socket and srflx ice candidate socket stay open until the peer connection is closed. Is it intended?
#2055 opened by wei-zhang-simplisafe - 18
[Bug]: TURN_STATE_GET_CREDENTIALS fails after update from 1.7.2. to 1.10.2 of the SDK
#2004 opened by skndi - 3
How to control bitrate in AWS Kinesis?
#2048 opened by Tonyinfo-dev - 1
kvsWebrtcClientViewer: sampleVideoFrameHandler and sampleAudioFrameHandler are not printing logs
#2047 opened by overheat - 1
[QUESTION] Is there a timeline for updating openssl to 3.x?
#2046 opened by skndi - 0
[Bug]: v1.10.x TURN Connection Issue
#2038 opened by LienNguyen2910 - 0
[Bug]: testing
#2037 opened by spotaws - 2
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[Bug]: [2024/05/23 15:19:40:0909] W: [wsicli|5a|WS/h1/default/m-579da5db.kinesisvideo.ap-southeast-]: lws_client_ws_upgrade: got bad HTTP response '403' 2024-05-23 15:19:40.091 VERBOSE lwsWssCallbackRoutine(): WSS callback with reason 1 2024-05-23 15:19:40.091 WARN lwsWssCallbackRoutine(): Client connection failed. Connection error string: HS: ws upgrade response not 101
#1993 opened by 123zhj - 3
[Bug]: unable to stream H265 webrtc on test page
#2030 opened by naseebpanghal - 4
[Bug]: Close peer connection:ERROR fromCheckConnectionIceAgentState(): operation returned status code: 0x5a00000d
#2016 opened by RTL8710 - 1
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[Bug]: KVS SDK RTP retransmitter bug
#1991 opened by wei-zhang-simplisafe - 0
[Bug]: how to ensure the functon "wakeLwsServiceEventLoop " thread safety,because of "lws_callback_on_writable" is not thread-safe
#1997 opened by fys85 - 2
[Bug]: Call serializeSessionDescriptionInit and return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
#2019 opened by liquanqing - 1
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[Bug]: decryptSrtcpPacket(): Decrypting rtcp packet failed with error code 9 on srtp session
#2001 opened by RTL8710 - 3
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[Bug]: Windows build fails at openssl
#2005 opened by Wosler-Menna - 2
[Documentation]: should mention the supported video codecs for WebRTC ingestion
#1984 opened by gotodeneslaszlo - 4
softphone signaling server
#1995 opened by peet0364 - 1
[Bug]: how to ensure the functon "wakeLwsServiceEventLoop " thread safety,because of "lws_callback_on_writable" is not thread-safe
#1996 opened by fys85 - 3
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[Bug]: Cross-compilation issue v1.10.1 vs v.1.9.1, unable to cross-compile libkvspic because "not able to compile a simple test program"
#1964 opened by ilyaikik - 1
[Bug]: resolveStunIceServerIp Ignores Command Line AWS Region, Uses Environment Variable Instead
#1970 opened by PoshSylvester - 1
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[QUESTION]How to use signalingClientFetchSync on battery devices (can't receive SDP Offer after wake up)
#1932 opened by 1045672215 - 1
viewer unable to join stream when use new feature "ingestion and storage media"
#1930 opened by aniket0527 - 12
[Bug]: No streaming on the Kinesis Page
#1911 opened by Moadib129 - 3
[Bug]: signalingClientSendMessageSync delay
#1918 opened by AndreaPetrelli - 5
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[Bug]: freeSignalingChannel does not terminate pSignalingClient->pLwsContext socket gracefully
#1906 opened by apurohitrivian - 6
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