- 7
Node binaries not loading from binding.js when hoisted to root of node_modules
#523 opened by justin-masse - 2
Support `aws-c-s3`
#529 opened by riywo - 1
- 1
- 1
I'm getting The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided after aws_sign_request
#572 opened by Asxer - 7
#551 opened by twiking - 5
npm audit - 2 vulnerabilities found - Severity: 2 high
#556 opened by abarke - 1
Bump axios to 1.7.4 to resolve vulnerability
#567 opened by aBurmeseDev - 15
Add Esbuild support
#467 opened by bretambrose - 1
Windows ARM64 Support?
#555 opened by MonPetitUd - 7
linux-arm64-musl pre built missing
#538 opened by rafaturtle - 2
- 2
no mention of VC++ redist 2015 /runtime/ dependency
#371 opened by mikelpr - 14
IoT MQTT5 MqttConnectCustomAuthConfig has invalid typing for custom authorizer + browser
#536 opened by omer-feinberg-island - 10
IoT unsigned custom authentication builder broken
#527 opened by jawilson - 1
upgrade axios to ^1.6.4
#534 opened by nishikawa2410 - 6
Websocket enters in interrupt/resume loop after for long run inactivity in browser
#359 opened by FedericoBiro - 1
- 11
- 0
Migrate browser samples to use aws-sdk v3
#434 opened by bretambrose - 4
Snyk ReDoS issue in ansi-regex nested dependency
#390 opened by Pradeep976 - 6
upgrade axios to 1.x
#464 opened by tjx666 - 9
'AWS Signer SigV4A Headers' unit test failing
#491 opened by langhorstg316 - 6
- 2
Reduce number of dependencies added by AWS CRT
#333 opened by trivikr - 18
- 4
Webpack build warning
#438 opened by ChristopherGillis - 8
Node and Browser versions of the `iot.AwsIotMqttConnectionConfigBuilder` do not provide the same API
#426 opened by massi-ang - 2
Unable to install due to missing PATH_MAX
#366 opened by klinquist - 32
- 1
Improve error messages that are returned when an exception is thrown while attempting to subscribe in JS
#460 opened by ayomikvn - 1
aws-crt mqtt library not working with Webpack 5
#425 opened by massi-ang - 7
Source map support?
#358 opened by richarddd - 1
Buffer constructor is deprecated (node)
#429 opened by jaas666 - 2
- 0
MqttConnection should refresh STS credentials for WSS connections on reconnect
#423 opened by massi-ang - 4
Lambda@Edge SigV4Asymmetric signing issue in Typescript for S3 Multi Region Access point MRAP
#416 opened by wilsonrm - 2
"Signal Received: 5, errno: 0"
#404 opened by zkrising - 4
Uncatchable MQTT error thrown
#403 opened by samuelplexcelon - 1
- 3
Property 'newStatic' does not exist on type 'typeof AwsCredentialsProvider'.
#352 opened by karllundgren - 3
- 3
Cmake variable 1 set but not found
#379 opened by monelgordillo - 3
Installing on Raspberry Zero W
#354 opened by markusl - 1
Browser support for SigV4A
#348 opened by Hasan-Jawaheri - 7
- 1
npm install for aws-crt-nodejs fails with CMake Error
#334 opened by trivikr - 3
npm-force-resolutions does not support proxies
#325 opened by Clete2 - 1
aws-crt 1.12.4 is 600mb size
#328 opened by RanVaknin - 1
Project installs its dev dependencies in my project
#327 opened by greim