JS library for verifying JWTs signed by Amazon Cognito, and any OIDC-compatible IDP that signs JWTs with RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, and ES512
Pinned issues
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[BUG] JwtRsaVerifier throws an error for JWTs that have no `iss` field: `error: Missing Issuer. Expected: null`
#178 opened by ottokruse - 1
v5.0.0 tracking issue
#166 opened by ottokruse - 14
[BUG] Handle Revoked Access and ID Tokens
#173 opened by cjsuthanthira - 19
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[QUESTION] Support for Rust?
#168 opened by hanoj-budime - 4
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Not able to fetch jwks in node V20
#159 opened by hbc19 - 0
[QUESTION] JwtRsaVerifier.create is not a function
#158 opened by mufambisi - 9
[BUG] Does not work with Bun
#154 opened by madsbuch - 5
verify() function
#93 opened by wz2b - 8
[QUESTION] Use with JWT from Firebase
#152 opened by hffmnn - 1
after logout token is not getting expired able to hit apis and get data
#151 opened by NavnathGunjal7 - 3
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Browser support
#145 opened by leenabora - 2
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[BUG] Improve discoverability of the timeout parameter for fetch requests (in docs and/or code)
#133 opened by DannyBoris - 1
#node-web-compat could not be found within the project or in these directories
#135 opened by omartehsin1 - 0
Can you not just return the instance without knowing what "Generic" properties are defined????
#137 opened by markbenedict - 8
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Support for HTTP proxy?
#126 opened by iamFIREcracker - 1
[BUG] --> Timeout error after 1500 ms
#128 opened by NavnathGunjal7 - 6
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NextJS TurboPack resolve #node-web-compat
#122 opened by rickiesmooth - 15
[FEATURE REQUEST] Support creating verifier without knowing upfront the list of user pool IDs and client IDs
#82 opened by dax-hurley - 8
[QUESTION] Why does the library fail to fetch the well known jwks file?
#72 opened by eugenserbanescu - 6
Using this library in Lambda at Edge - Cloudfront
#119 opened by dhamya - 5
[BUG TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "listener" argument must be of type function. Received an instance of Object
#121 opened by anomaly44 - 2
[BUG] Type error with CognitoJwtVerifier.create
#120 opened by etroynov - 11
[QUESTION] Issue with cjs file
#115 opened by Lolispo - 3
[BUG] Error when bundling with Vite: Rollup failed to resolve import "#node-web-compat"
#114 opened by Fitzpasd - 4
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`window` not defined in Next.js Edge Runtime
#108 opened by steveharrison - 2
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#99 opened by yaroslavkrutiak - 3
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[BUG] CognitoJwtInvalidTokenUseError: Token use not allowed: id. Expected: access
#98 opened by Mickaz89 - 6
Error: verifier.verify requires opts, but it is not required in docs. "Expected 2 arguments, but got 1"
#90 opened by sandorduba - 4
[BUG] node_modules/aws-jwt-verify/cognito-verifier.d.ts:95:42 - error TS1005: ',' expected.
#95 opened by jamesnight1994 - 5
[BUG] Could not resolve "#node-web-compat"
#88 opened by F43nd1r - 8
Typo in[BUG]
#78 opened by johnhartman - 4
[QUESTION] AWS Support says this library cannot be used for Cognito within an ALB... is that true?
#71 opened by shackbarth - 2
Validating that the Identity ID passed in an open ID token matches an identity in the specified Identity Pool
#89 opened by ryantomaselli - 13
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[DISCUSSION] Support React Native?
#73 opened by ottokruse