- 2
rollback on validation error
#4 opened by engrean - 0
DynamoDB has transaction limit to write the items( = 100) in DDB atomically in a single transaction.
#53 opened by aakashmehtaa1308 - 1
Question: Known Limitations
#50 opened by wThomas84 - 2
- 22
Deploy to Maven Central
#12 opened - 2
- 6
Is this project still active?
#41 opened by davidgoate - 2
- 26
Plans for node.js sdk?
#3 opened by aaaristo - 2
Does this library provide encryption?
#42 opened by trymeok - 1
Does this library support DAX ?
#44 opened by tnithinreddy - 1
boto3 python version?
#45 opened by wobeng - 2
Allow put/update to overwrite previous delete
#23 opened by atorstling - 3
Add transaction time out and check if transaction has been timed out before deciding to roll back pending transactions
#7 opened by tyler-nguyen - 1
- 3
Working with DynamoDBMapper
#24 opened by nykolaslima - 2
Upgrade to 400 Kb item limit?
#26 opened by PGWelch - 1
- 1
Isolation Levels - Clarification
#28 opened by MrDevZero - 1
Transaction with async requests
#21 opened by tokland - 2
Support for requests with conditions
#10 opened by angryTit - 12
Plans to support DynamoDBMapper?
#5 opened by engrean - 4
unlockItemAfterCommit should add ConditionExpression that "Applied" is true for Put and Update requests
#31 opened by fumin - 2
Plans for Ruby SDK support?
#25 opened by ngordon17 - 2
Migration to aws-java-sdk 1.7.7
#11 opened by angryTit - 1
Future support
#17 opened by karthikv2k - 2
Updating to support 1.7.7+
#16 opened by SteveYurka - 3
Is it possible to insert an item only if the hash+range key does not already exist?
#2 opened by ahtremblay - 1
Could not run the example
#14 opened by lazywithclass - 3
- 1
Make compatible with SDK version 1.7.0
#9 opened by Yanacek - 4
- 1