
Tools for migrating packages from ROS1 to ROS2.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ROS2 Migration Tools

This repo contains a set of tools for migrating a ROS1 package to a ROS2 package. The C++ source code migration uses libclang8 and its corresponding python bindings. The main script for migration is ros_upgrader.py

Components of a ROS Package

CMakeLists.txt and package.xml

This set of tools supports the migration of CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files.

Source Code

This set of tools supports the migration of C++ source codes.

msg/srv files

This set of tools does not handle any changes to message or service declarations.

Launch files

This set of tools currently does not support migrating ROS1 launch files to ROS2 launch files.


  1. ROS1 system
  2. Python-3.5 or higher
  3. parse-cmake: Install using pip3 install parse_cmake

Setup the Migration Tool

  1. On the ROS1 system, clone the ROS2 Migration Tools repository:

    git clone https://github.com/awslabs/ros2-migration-tools.git

  2. Download the LLVM 8.0.0 Pre-Built Binaries for your version of Linux from llvm download page. For example, download Ubuntu 16.04 (.sig) if your machine is running Ubuntu 16.06.

  3. Extract the downloaded tarball (for example, tar xvf clang+llvm-8.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-16.04.tar.xz).

  4. Copy the libclang.so.8 shared object and the libclang.so symlink from lib folder of clang to the ros2-migration-tools/clang folder.

    cp -r <extracted directory>/lib/libclang.so <ros2-migration-tools directory>/clang
    cp -r <extracted directory>/lib/libclang.so.8 <ros2-migration-tools directory>/clang
  5. Copy the contents of the libclang include folder to the ros2-migration-tools/clang/clang folder.

    cp -r <extracted directory>/lib/clang/8.0.0/include <ros2-migration-tools directory>/clang/clang

Setup the ROS1 Packages

  1. Clone the sources of the ROS1 package which you want to port. Lets say the package cloned is named ROS1_Package. ros2-migration-tools/ros_upgrader.py will need path to package.xml which can be provided either using environment variable ROS1_PACKAGE_PATH or using the --package_xml_path argument of ros2-migration-tools/ros_upgrader.py

  2. Build the ROS1_Package ROS1 package with -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON

    colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON

  3. Building the ROS1_Package with -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON will have created a compile_commands.json file inside build/ROS1_Package if the build was successful. This path will be mandatory argument for ros2-migration-tools/ros_upgrader.py script.


  1. cd to ros2-migration-tools.

  2. run ros_upgrader.py script with following arguments.

    • -c or --compile_db_path (required): this is path to the compile_commands.json file
    • -p or --package_xml_path (optional): this is path to the package.xml file
    • -m or --mapping_file (optional): this is name of the file to which filled mappings will be written to
    • -f or --filter_out_file (optional): this is name of the file to which unfilled tokens will be written to
    • -o or --output_folder (optional): output directory where the ported package will copied
    • -d or --debug (optional): add this flag if you want to dump the Abstract Syntax Tree created

    For example,

    export ROS1_PACKAGE_PATH=ROS1_Package/package.xml
    ros_upgrader.py -c ROS1_Package/build/ROS1_Package/compile_commands.json


    ros_upgrader.py -c ROS1_Package/build/ROS1_Package/compile_commands.json -p ROS1_Package/package.xml

Note: Paths can also be relative to the ros_upgrader.py package. ROS1_Package/package.xml must be provided by one of the two ways explained.

  1. One of the following can happen now:

    • If there are no new tokens encountered in the ROS1 package, then it will just finish running
    • If there are some new tokens encountered, there will be message on terminal saying Open mapping/new_tokens.json and fill the mappings. Press 'Y' to continue or any other key to abort will be shown on terminal. Don't press 'Y' yet. See the Filling the mappings section on for more details about the mappings
  2. Default output folder is a folder named output inside the ros2-migration-tools or the output folder will be the folder which you specified with -o or --output_folder argument. The default folder will have a folder with unique name currData_currTime (e.g. 2019-07-15_20_30_55). This output folder will contain the package migrated to ROS2

Filling the mappings

  • Open mapping/new_tokens.json file in editor of choice.

  • Each key in the file contains a list. Following are the keys:

    • FUNCTION_CALL: Function calls and constructor calls used in ROS1_Package
    • TYPECAST_OPERATOR: Typecast operator functions defined in the ROS1_Package
    • HEADER_FILE: Included header files in the ROS1_Package
    • MACRO_DEFINITION: Macros used in ROS1_Package
    • NAMESPACE: Namespaces used in ROS1_Package
    • FUNCTION_PARAMETER: Parameters of functions declared in ROS1_Package
    • VARIABLE_TYPE: Variable types used in ROS1_Package
  • If the list is not empty, then update the ros2_name field for each of of the objects in the list. These can be left unchanged if no change is required for them in ROS2

  • All the elements from the list whose value for ros2_name was modified, will be moved to the file with name provided using --mapping_file inside ros2-migration-tools/mapping folder. Default file name is master_mappings.json.

  • All elements from the list with value for ros2_name unchanged, i.e. ros2_name??, will be moved to IRRELEVANT_TOKENS in the file with name provided using --filer_out_file inside ros2-migration-tools/token_filers folder. Default file name is filtered_out_tokens.json. These elements will not appear in NEW_TOKENS_LIST again.

  • Some key categories will also require some additional information which is explained below:

      • node_arg_req: This field will be inside node_arg_info. Change it to true if the function needs node(actual var name) as an argument
      • node_arg_ind: Index(0-based) of the node argument if node_arg_req was changed to true
      • node_arg_req: This field will be inside node_arg_info. Change it to true if the function needs node member function as an argument
      • node_arg_ind: Index(0-based) of the node argument if node_arg_req was changed to true
      • member_name_if_true: Name of the member function of ROS2 Node class if node_arg_req was changed to true
      • to_shared_ptr: It should be true if the var_type is supposed to be shared_ptr, false otherwise
      • to_be_removed: It should be true if any var type needs to be removed
    • FUNCTION_PARAMETER: It may contain & or *, e.g, ros::NodeHandle &. Provide ros2_name with exactly what you want to replace it with

Note: If there is no change in name from ROS1 to ROS2 but above fields like node_arg_req is changed, then change the field ros2_name same as ros1_name, i.e. do change it from ros2_name?? otherwise it will get added to the IRRELEVANT_TOKENS

Note: If there is scope resolution included in ros1_name(e.g. ros::ros1_token), then only change the ros1_token to corresponding ros2_token. So ros2_name field would look like ros::ros2_token and not like rclcpp::ros2_token. Namespace change will be taken care by NAMESPACE category.