Amazon SageMaker Debugger provides functionality to save tensors during training of machine learning jobs and analyze those tensors
- abhinavs95
- adimuxMontreal
- AngelJavierSalazarAngel AI Ltd
- arorashuVancouver, BC
- balajeen
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- eemailme
- galaindAWS
- hougangliu@IBM
- j3ffreyjohnAmazon Web Services
- jhcloos
- johnbensnyderAmazon Web Services
- junpufAmazon Web Services
- leleamol
- mr-elepfontiusbrooklyn
- NihalHarishAmazon Web Services
- nikhil-skPalo Alto, California
- NRauschmayrVancouver, Canada
- olegtalalovAWS
- pinaraws
- rama0120
- Roshrini@awslabs
- SifeiLiSeattle, USA
- spiritastirKiev
- Vikas-kum