"Sandbox Accounts for Events" allows to provide multiple, temporary AWS accounts to a number of authenticated users simultaneously via a browser-based GUI.
- 7
Deprecation of codecommit
#74 opened by fmarasoglou - 1
Add AWS Accounts with different role path
#82 opened by Yivensky - 1
Custom role for principal role
#81 opened by BhuviTheDataGuy - 2
[Makefile:43: build] Error 127
#80 opened by abilash44 - 1
- 3
- 1
- 2
account-reset-dce codebuild project
#59 opened by AlexChesters - 2
- 1
Amplify build settings causing failure
#52 opened by emmarrig - 2
[Feature Request] Get temporary credentials to access the AWS account through CLI
#46 opened by philippegabert - 2
[Feature Request] Auto Start events
#48 opened by philippegabert - 1
[Feature Request] Pre-lease of accounts for an event / Installation of resources in pre-leased accounts
#47 opened by philippegabert - 5
support for federated login
#36 opened by straav - 2
Add overview for leases without events
#10 opened by svenfinke - 2
- 6
Amplify failed to build
#49 opened by BharathRedsecops - 4
Depreecated lambda runtime, failed deployment
#51 opened by Onolisk - 8
- 1
aws-portal IAM policy update
#42 opened by gioc96 - 1
AWS Nuke
#44 opened by rodentskie - 1
Revoking sessions after event is done
#38 opened by SheVyY - 2
Update of configuration values after deployment
#37 opened by SheVyY - 2
- 2
Deployment to a different region other than "us-east-1" or "us-west-2" seems to fail
#6 opened by asshutossh - 2
- 4
Deployment fails
#16 opened by JafoFett - 5
Maximum 25 Accounts, although 46 account records exist in Dynamodb and were 'successfully registered'
#4 opened by TheMattSchiller - 1
- 2
Bucket cannot have ACLs set with ObjectOwnership's BucketOwnerEnforced setting
#29 opened by iprayforwaves - 2
- 1
Error while onboarding AWS accounts.
#23 opened by abhinavbom - 4
Amplify fails to deploy
#8 opened by dgwalters - 1
note: module requires Go 1.17
#14 opened by varunchandak - 2