
Python Tutorials

Primary LanguageShell


Python Tutorials

Week1 - Basics



Variable Types

Exercise - Print first name last name

Write a program that will

Ask the user for their first name

Ask the user for their age

Display their full name in a LName, FName format.

Print the year the user was born

If the user is under 18, print that the user is too young to vote

If the user is under 21, print that the user is old enough to vote, but too young to drink

If the user is between 21 and 65, print that the user is old enough to vote and drink

Otherwise, print that the user qualifies for social security

When you write your program, try to put some of these things into functions.

Another hint : You might run into errors when you calculate the year of birth – this is because you have to type cast the variable types!

Be sure to write internal documentation as well