
Git webhook agent for server auto-deployment as a PaaS.

Primary LanguageShell

Git webhook deploy agent

For sysadmins simply setup a post hook agent on server to deploy git projects like PaaS from your using third-party git service.



  • node version >= 0.12.0
  • PM2 installed in global: sudo npm install -g pm2

On your server

$ sudo npm install -g hookagent

After installed you can use this commands to start the agent:

$ sudo hookagent config
$ sudo su -c "hookagent start" # start the process as root

Get ready your repository

Additional things about git you should make sure:

  • Project repository alread cloned once from 3rd-party git service.

  • All repository files(folders) is own by the specific user(s) you configured in the config file (/etc/hookagent.json, see below).

  • Within the user, the ssh-key has been generated (no password), and set as deploy key in 3rd-party git service.

  • The ssh-key has been used at least once, to make sure it has been add to the list of known hosts of the service.

Post hook

Set a git post hook in the admin panel of your repository like this:

  • user:password is reqired part in post URL. The agent will check the request with HTTP basic authentication to avoid mistake request.

  • 6060 as port is set in the config, you can change it as you wish.

  • /project/:id is the router, @branch is optional default to master.


Before start the agent first time, run hookagent config to generate a config file named hookagent.json in /etc folder, maybe need sudo prefix.

Here is a sample of configuration structure:

    // The HTTP listening port
    "port": 6060,
    // Default branch which will be updated when not set in post request
    "defaultBranch": "master",

    // Projects map. ID: object
    "projects": {
        "sample": {
            // Project path
            "path": "/var/www/sample",

            // Task to be run after git pull, such as build etc.
            // "shell": "./build.sh",

            // Users in list allow to trigger deploy
            "users": ["abc"]

    // Users list for HTTP basic authentication. ID: password
    // Each user ID should match server user name.
    "users": {
        "abc": "ba1f2511fc30423bdbb183fe33f3dd0f"

Once the config file generated, run the hookagent config will show the content.


  • Add logger.
  • Add Github and Bitbucket post data parsing to avoid none updated pulling.
  • Add admin panel using basic authentication.
  • Use SQLite or other database to manage config data.
  • Add RSA authentication instead of basic HTTP.

MIT Licensed