
Friend finder backend

Primary LanguageHTML


Registration endpoint:

post request,url: https://friend-finder-backend.herokuapp.com/api/auth/register

expected request body: {"username":"mildred","password":"1234"}

expected response: { "success": "Registration successful for user mildred" }

response status code:201

Login endpoint:

post method,url: https://friend-finder-backend.herokuapp.com/api/auth/login

expected request body: {"username":"mildred","password":"1234"}

expected response:

{ "success": "Welcome mildred", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWJqZWN0IjoxLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im1pbGRyZWQiLCJpYXQiOjE1NzQzMzIwMzYsImV4cCI6MTU3NDQxODQzNn0.chPPthr1wJ3azRKschwavKx8Bdn65ttSKIPUSF6zZ6o" } response status code:200

Questions endpoint:

get method,url: https://friend-finder-backend.herokuapp.com/api/restricted/questions

expected response: Array of questions: [ { "id": 1, "questionsBody": "What's your favorite drink tea or coffee?", "ans_a": "tea", "ans_b": "coffee", "ans_c": null }, { "id": 2, "questionsBody": "What's your dream car, Tesla or Lamborghini?", "ans_a": "Tesla", "ans_b": "Lamborghini", "ans_c": null }]

response status code:200

messages endpoint:

post method,url:


expected request body: {"sender":1,"recepient":2,"message":"how are you?"}

expected response: { success: "Message sent successfully" }

response status code:201

get method,url:


expected response:

Array of messages: [{ "id": 1, "sender": 1, "recepient": 2, "message": "hello" }, { "id": 6, "sender": 1, "recepient": 2, "message": "how are you?" } ]

response status code:200

answers endpoint:

post method,url: https://friend-finder-backend.herokuapp.com/api/restricted/answers

request body: {"id":3,"questionid":3, "userid": 1,"answerid":6}

response body: { "success": "All your answers have been recorded" }

response status code:201

matches endpoint:

get method,url: https://friend-finder-backend.herokuapp.com/api/restricted/matches

expected response: [ { "id": 14, "loggedin": 3, "potentialMatch": "mildred", "matched": 0, "probability": 3 }, { "id": 1, "loggedin": 1, "potentialMatch": "alice", "matched": 1, "probability": 2 }, { "id": 7, "loggedin": 1, "potentialMatch": "effie", "matched": 0, "probability": 2 } ]

response status code:200

put method, url: https://friend-finder-backend.herokuapp.com/api/restricted/matches

request body: { "id": 3, "loggedin": 1, "potentialMatch": "effie", "matched": true, "probability": 12 }

response body: {success:"record updated successfully"}

response status code:201