
What is this?

This application visualizes the SMTP relay via Neo4j.

How it works?

  • Forward all emails to the Parse Webhook address.
  • SendGrid POST the emails to a URL(Web App).
  • "Web App" receives POSTs from SendGrid, then parse the headers (Received header) of emails.
  • "Web App" looks up DNS and searches IP geo location.
  • "Web App" creates Nodes and Relationships on the Neo4j.

Pattern 1

The path that has the same message_id.

Pattern 2

The paths that has same domain in the message_id.

Pattern 3

The paths from GitHub.

Pattern 4

The paths from Ingress notification. It seems relay is few.

Pattern 5

The paths from Amazon newsletter.

Pattern 6

The paths from Doorkeeper.

Pattern 6

The paths from Money Forward. It seems that the servers are redundant.

Pattern 7

All paths. The center Node is destination Node.

Memos for searching

message-idを指定してルート指定 MATCH (s)-[r]->(g) WHERE r.message_id =~ ".20141228204932\.5118\.qmail@itpms03\.itmedia\.co\.jp." RETURN s, r, g

宛先アドレスを指定して検索 MATCH (s)-[r]->(g) WHERE r.to =~ ".xxx@gmail\.com." RETURN s, r, g

送信元アドレスを指定して検索 MATCH (s)-[r]->(g) WHERE r.from =~ ".ingress-support@google\.com." RETURN s, r, g

送信元アドレスと期間を指定して検索 MATCH (s)-[r]->(g) WHERE r.from =~ ".xxx@gmail\.com." AND r.date > 100 AND r.date < 1417960600 RETURN s, r, g
