
This repository documents my 90-day journey to learn essential DevOps practices and tools, from Git version control to Kubernetes orchestration. Follow along as I share my progress, insights, and resources, and explore new technologies and skills.

90 Days of DevOps Challenge

Welcome to my 90-day DevOps challenge! In this repository, you will find my progress, learnings, and resources as I embark on a journey to learn essential DevOps practices and tools.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development approach that combines development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams to streamline software delivery and improve collaboration and communication. DevOps practices include continuous integration, delivery, and deployment, as well as automation, version control, and monitoring.

Why the 90-day challenge?

I believe in the power of learning in public and making progress every day. By committing to a 90-day challenge, I aim to develop a habit of consistent learning and growth and challenge myself to learn new skills and technologies.

What will I learn?

During this challenge, I will focus on the following topics: Git version control Jenkins automation Docker containers Kubernetes orchestration Continuous integration Continuous delivery Continuous deployment Time management Communication skills Leadership development

How to follow my journey?

You can follow my progress, insights, and experiences using the #90daysofdevops hashtag on social media. Additionally, I will update this repository regularly with my learnings, resources, and sample projects. Feel free to fork this repository and join me on this challenge!↳

Let's learn and grow together!