
Minimal Working Example of akka-persistence-cassandra working on an M1 / AArch64 / ARM64 Mac

Primary LanguageScala


To create your own Mac M1 / ARM64 / AArch64 akka-persistence-cassandra cassandra-bundle.jar file

  1. git clone git@github.com:akka/akka-persistence-cassandra.git
  2. Make sure you're using Java 8 (tested with 8.0.345-librca and Azul Zulu 8)
  3. Open akka-persistence-cassandra in IntelliJ and check the Java version under File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Project. Make sure the SDK is set to the Java 8 version from step 2.
  4. Add dependencyOverrides += "net.java.dev.jna" % "jna" % "5.12.1" to the cassandraBundle project in the build.sbt of akka-persistence-cassandra
  5. sbt cassandraBundle/assembly to create cassandra-bundle/target/bundle/akka.persistence.cassandra.launcher/cassandra-bundle.jar (you might have to comment out a few broken test suites to get this to run)
  6. Check your work by running the CassandraLauncherSpec in akka-persistence-cassandra
  7. Now you can use your cassandra-bundle.jar to run the CassandraLauncher in third-party projects, like this one!