
A simple REST API for Snake and Ladder Game

Primary LanguagePython

Snake and Ladder REST API

This is a simple Snake and Ladder REST API created using Python FastAPI framework. It uses mongodb as backend datastore and also provides the API Documentation in Swagger UI.

Note: All configuration variables are overridable from outside as environment variables.

Kubernetes Deployment View


App Components

Refer to Swagger UI to get an overview on application components and API.


Note: The link only works after deployment


Make sure you have the following tools installed for development or to simulate a actual kubernetes style deployment in your local cluster.

  • Docker Desktop (development + deployment)
  • Helm (deployment)

Development Setup

Use docker-compose for development

$ docker-compose up

And access http://localhost:8080/docs for Swagger page

Setup Guide

  1. Install traefik to use as a Load Balancer
# Add helm repo and update [optionally]
$ helm repo add traefik https://helm.traefik.io/traefik
$ helm repo update

# Create the traefik config file
$ cat << EOF > traefik-values.yaml
  enabled: true
  domain: traefik.k8s
    - default
    - kube-system
    - app
    - db

# Install traefik
$ helm install traefik traefik/traefik --values traefik-values.yaml

# Add these entries in /etc/hosts	localhost traefik.k8s snake-ladder-api.traefik.k8s
  1. Run the kubernetes deployment files
# This script will deploy the db and app components
# Creates individual namespaces for database and application
# Creates a HPA and Ingress for application
$ bash k8s-setup.sh
Usage: bash k8s-setup.sh (deploy|destroy)

# Let's deploy the cluster
$ bash k8s-setup.sh deploy
  1. Access the Swagger UI (API Documentation) form your browser http://snake-ladder-api.traefik.k8s/docs

  2. To bring down the cluster

$ bash k8s-setup.sh destroy