Expo NextJS NestJS tRPC Turborepo

Expo, NextJS, NestJS, tRPC in one single monorepo.


  1. Prerequisites

    • Node v20.10.0
    • NPM
    • PNPM v8.15.0
  2. Clone the repository

    Clone this repository to your local machine.

  3. Setup dependencies

    # Install dependencies
    pnpm i
  4. Build all the packages & apps

    pnpm build
  5. Running the apps:

    1. Run "TRPC Playground"

      1. Run below command to start server (nestjs + fastify + tRPC) app:
      pnpm -F server dev
      1. Go to url: http://localhost:4000/playground

      2. Paste the below queries/mutations on the left side.

        await trpc.greeting.hello.query({ name: "acme" })
        await trpc.post.all.query()
        await trpc.post.byId.query({ id: 2 })
        await trpc.post.create.mutate({ title: "new post title", content: "new post content" })
        await trpc.post.delete.mutate(3)
        export {}
      3. Run all or each operation one by one, they should be performed successfully.

    2. Run "nextjs" backend and web app

      pnpm -F nextjs dev
    3. Run "expo" react-native app with "nextjs" backend

      In "Terminal 1", run "nextjs" app:

      pnpm -F nextjs dev

      In "Terminal 2", run "expo" app:

      pnpm -F expo dev
    4. Run "expo" react-native app with "nestjs + fastify" backend

      First change the port from 3000 to 4000 here in your code!

      In "Terminal 1", run "nestjs" app:

      pnpm -F server dev

      In "Terminal 2", run "expo" app:

      pnpm -F expo dev

Generated from t3-oss/create-t3-turbo

This monorepo is an fork and upgraded version of t3-oss/create-t3-turbo.

Read more about it here.