
Multisite features for your Nuxt project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The project has moved to https://github.com/ax2inc/nuxt-modules/tree/master/packages/multisite


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Multisite features for your Nuxt project

📖 Release Notes


This module helps you bring multisite features to your Nuxt project. Here are the main features:

  • Current site detection based on host (or query string in development)
  • Contextual CSS vars declaration for site-specific theming
  • Contextual meta data


  • Install the module with your favorite package manager.
yarn add @ax2/multisite-module
# Or npm i @ax2/multisite-module
  • Add @ax2/multisite-module to modules section of nuxt.config.js.
// nuxt.config.js

  modules: [
  • Configure the module as needed by adding a multisite key to nuxt.config.js.
// nuxt.config.js

  multisite: {
  	// Module options



  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Set this to true to force the module to get the current site from the query string.


  • Type: Array

List of sites.

  multisite: {
    sites: [
        id: 'my-site',
        title: 'My awesome site',
        isDefault: true,
        hostPatterns: 'myawesomesite\.com,myincrediblesite\.(com|org)',
        cssVars: {
          '--primary-color': '#41B883',
          '--secondary-color': '#3B8070',
        head: {
          link: [
            { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/my-site/favicon.ico' },

Each item in sites can have a few options of its own:


  • Type: Integer|String

The site's unique identifier.


  • Type: Boolean

Wether this site should be considered as the default one. Any request that cannot be resolved to one of the sites will fallback to the default one.


  • Type: String

A list of comma-separated patterns to test against requests host in order to enable this site in production.


  • Type: Object

CSS vars that should be set when visiting this site.


  • Type: Object

This is the same as Nuxt's head property, options defined here are merged with the main head property definition.

NOTE: Functions are not supported here



In development, switch from one site to another by adding a site query parameter to the URL. The value should be the site's ID as defined in the module's configuration. ie:

Active site is stored in a cookie, so next time you visit, active site will be last used one.


In production, active site is detected by matching request host against the patterns you defined in hostPatterns options. ie if you visit http://myawesomesite.com, my-site will be set as active site.

A $multisite property is added to the app's context, it contains a few helpers that you can use in any component.



  • Type: Object

The site property contains current site's configuration. You could use it to display the current site's title:

  <h1 class="site-title">
    {{ $multisite.site.title }}



  • Arguments
    • {String} path: required
    • {Integer|String} site: optional, defaults to current site ID
  • Return: String

Get an asset's path for given site. If no site is specified, defaults to active site.

    <img class="logo" :src="$multisite.asset('logo.png')">
    <!-- Renders to <img class="logo" src="/my-site/logo.png"> -->

NOTE: It's recommended that you place site-specific assets in a directory named after the site's ID as defined in the module's options. Sites assets directories should be in the static/ directory.


MIT License

Copyright (c) Ax2 Inc.