
A small Python program that downloads subtitles for videos hosted on the V Live platform.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

VLIVE Subtitles Scraper

A small Python program that downloads subtitles for videos hosted on the V Live platform, made mostly for practice and to learn the basics of web scraping.

Legal Notice

This project is purely for educational purposes. Please note that use of this program could be against article 9 of the V Fansubs Terms of Use, ver 1.0 ("Member's Rights and Obligations"). As expressed by the license accompanying this repository, I shall not be held liable for the temporary and/or permanent restriction of your use of the V Fansubs Service arising from use of this program (as stated in article 12 of the terms of use linked above).

Please use web scrapers responsibly.


This program requires python 3 and uses the following external libraries:

Install them using pip:

$ pip3 install requests beautifulsoup4

Then simply run main.py. You can pass the video URL as a parameter if you wish (if not, the program will ask you anyway):

$ python3 main.py https://www.vlive.tv/video/000001

After this the program will send some requests (see below for an explanation), display some of the video metadata, and list the available subtitles. For example:

$ python3 main.py https://www.vlive.tv/video/000001


Upload date: Jan 01, 2020
Channel: [CHANNEL]
Link: https://www.vlive.tv/video/000001


1. English (en), type: fan
2. 한국어 (ko), type: cp 

Choose subtitles to download (type in the number), or type 'exit' to finish: 

At this point, simply type in the number corresponding to the subtitles you wish to download, and press enter. If there are no errors, the file will be downloaded to a directory like subs/000001/ with .vtt format (do note that the subtitles are protected by copyright, see the terms of use linked above).

Once you are done, type exit to finish the program.


From what I have gathered using the Firefox inspector (Tools -> Web Developer -> Inspector), once loaded, the V Live website uses javascript to download a JSON file containing all the video metadata from a specific static address related to the video we are watching. This address is built using a per-video video id with which the javascript is initialized.

The video JSON includes a captions element that lists (under list) all available subtitles for the given video. Inside each of these items is a source element (among other relevant data) that has the URL to the subtitles file in .vtt format. Our goal is to scrape the website and perform the necessary requests to get this JSON file and finally retrieve the captions' source addresses.

The JSON also contains additional video metadata and video stream URLs.

Scraping the HTML

The first step, given a valid V Live URL (https://www.vlive.tv/video/...), is to send a GET request to this address and receive the HTML in turn.

Although additional headers are not necessary in the requests that we will be sending, we will be using headers as sent by Firefox to make our scraper seem more 'human' (see the relevant functions in the source code for the header data). Of note is that in this first request we are using https://www.google.com/ as Referer.

In the HTML, we will look for data both in the HTML tags and in the included javascript.

Javascript data

Inside the <script> tag, we will search for and look at the contents of the function $(document).ready(function() { ... }); which initializes a video object with parameters like the video ID and key, which we will need in a moment. The function looks like this (some of the data has been replaced with dummy values; comments mine):

<!-- HTML here -->

<script type="text/javascript">

// ... Javascript here

$(document).ready(function() {
		vlive.video.init("VOD", "000001", "VOD_ON_AIR", "NONE", "EDBF",
			"0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123", // <-- video ID
			"V0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01230123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01230123456789ab", // <-- key
			[],"", "true", "false", ""); // That's the data we are interested in! It's always in the same order
		/*  */

// ... More Javascript


<!-- more HTML -->

We can get these values using regular expressions.

HTML data

We are interested in two tags mainly:

  • The meta tag with name="description" which contains the video upload date, channel, and title inside a content attribute. They are separated by a dash and a space (" - "), which we can easily split into invidual strings:
<meta name="description" content="DATE - [CHANNEL] - VIDEO TITLE - You can watch videos on V LIVE.">
  • The <link> tag with attribute rel="canonical" from which we can get the canonical URL that we will use as referer in the next two requests.

Requesting the JSON with the video data

Using the values we extracted above we can send a GET request to the address https://apis.naver.com/rmcnmv/rmcnmv/vod/play/v2.0/{video_id}key?={video_key}, where the resource and URL parameter are the video id and key we found earlier, respectively (the browser also sends additional headers, which we will be sending as well). The response is the video JSON with the information about the subtitles under its captions element, which itself holds a list element.

Note: This automated request does not respect the domain's robots.txt file (at https://apis.naver.com/robots.txt).

The JSON looks like this (yes, it comes with that ugly formatting):


		"captionLang": "en_US",
				,"source":"https://resources-rmcnmv.pstatic.net/{English subs in VTT format}"
				,"source":"https://resources-rmcnmv.pstatic.net/{Korean subs in VTT format}"





From then on we simply get the source element, send another GET request to that address (with relevant headers), and download the subtitles.

Note: This automated request does not respect the domain's robots.txt file (at pstatic.net/robots.txt).

Useful Links
