
About Zero-runtime polymorphic component definitions for React

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react-polymorphic-types is a library that enables the creation of zero-runtime polymorphic component definitions in React.


What is a React polymorphic component?

When building design systems or reusable UI components in React, you may come across the need for polymorphic components. A polymorphic component is a versatile component that can render different underlying HTML elements or custom components based on a prop.

A React polymorphic component provides flexibility to the consumer, allowing them to specify the desired element or component type to be rendered using a prop.

For example, let's consider a polymorphic heading component:

import { createElement, ElementType, PropsWithChildren, ComponentProps } from 'react';

// Define the props for the polymorphic heading component
type HeadingProps<T extends ElementType = 'h1'> = PropsWithChildren<
    as?: T;
  } & ComponentProps<T>

// Define the polymorphic heading component
export const Heading = <T extends ElementType = 'h1'>({ as = 'h1', children, ...rest }: HeadingProps<T>) =>
  createElement(as, rest, children);

In the above example, the Heading component can render different heading levels (h1, h2, h3, etc.) based on the as prop. By default, it renders as an h1 element.

You can use the Heading component in your application like this:

const App = () => (
    <Heading>My Main Headline</Heading>
    <Heading as='h2'>A Subtitle</Heading>
    <p>A description</p>

In this case, the same Heading component is used to render two different semantic tags, h1 and h2, allowing you to control the heading level and maintain consistency across your application.

Polymorphic components provide an elegant solution for building flexible and reusable UI components in React, enabling you to create a cohesive design system with consistent semantics.

What problems does this package solve?

The use of the as attribute can become complex when adding constraints to your rendered markup or when using third-party components. Declaring polymorphic types for each component can also be a tedious task that you may want to abstract.

With @axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types, you can easily add constraints to your polymorphic React components and avoid redundant type definitions.

Installation and Usage

Install the TypeScript types via npm:

npm i @axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types -D

Polymorphic Components Recipes

The following recipes provide a starting point for creating polymorphic components. You can copy and modify them according to your requirements.

Basic Example

This example showcases a simple polymorphic heading element. It allows you to independently define its size and markup using props.

import { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, createElement, ElementType } from 'react';
import { PolymorphicProps } from '@axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types';

// Default HTML element if the "as" prop is not provided
export const HeadingDefaultElement: ElementType = 'h1';
// List of allowed HTML elements that can be passed via the "as" prop
export type HeadingAllowedElements = typeof HeadingDefaultElement | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6';
export type HeadingSizes = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;

// Component-specific props
export type HeadingOwnProps<T extends HeadingAllowedElements> = ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T> & {
  size?: HeadingSizes;

// Extend own props with others inherited from the underlying element type
// Own props take precedence over the inherited ones
export type HeadingProps<T extends HeadingAllowedElements = typeof HeadingDefaultElement> = PolymorphicProps<

export const Heading = <T extends HeadingAllowedElements>({
  as = HeadingDefaultElement,
}: HeadingProps<T>) =>
      className: `${className} size-${size || 1}`,

You can use the Heading component in your application as shown below:

const App = () => (
      My Main Headline
      A Subtitle

    {/* The following component will throw a TypeScript error because 'div' elements are not allowed here */}
      A Subtitle
    <p>A description</p>
Basic Example with Ref

This example is similar to the previous one, but it also allows the use of React refs.

import { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, createElement, ElementType, forwardRef } from 'react';
import { PolymorphicProps, PolymorphicForwardedRef } from '@axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types';

// Default HTML element if the "as" prop is not provided
export const HeadingDefaultElement: ElementType = 'h1';
// List of allowed HTML elements that can be passed via the "as" prop
export type HeadingAllowedElements = typeof HeadingDefaultElement | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6';
export type HeadingSizes = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;

// Component-specific props
export type HeadingOwnProps<T extends HeadingAllowedElements> = ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T> & {
  size?: HeadingSizes;

// Extend own props with others inherited from the underlying element type
// Own props take precedence over the inherited ones
export type HeadingProps<T extends HeadingAllowedElements> = PolymorphicProps<

const HeadingInner = <T extends HeadingAllowedElements>(
    as = HeadingDefaultElement,
  }: PolymorphicProps<HeadingOwnProps<T>, T, HeadingAllowedElements>,
  // notice the use of the PolymorphicForwardedRef type here
  ref: PolymorphicForwardedRef<T>,
) =>
      className: `${className} size-${size || 1}`,

// Forward refs with generics is tricky
// see also https://fettblog.eu/typescript-react-generic-forward-refs/
export const Heading = forwardRef<HeadingAllowedElements>(HeadingInner) as unknown as <
  T extends HeadingAllowedElements,
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
  props: HeadingProps<T> & { ref?: PolymorphicForwardedRef<T> },
) => ReturnType<typeof HeadingInner>;

Using the @axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types types will allow you to automatically infer the proper ref DOM node.

const App = () => {
  // The use of HTMLHeadingElement type is safe
  const ref = useRef<HTMLHeadingElement | null>(null);

  return (
Basic Example with Memo

This example shows the use of React.memo with a polymorphic component.

import { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, createElement, ElementType, memo } from 'react';
import { PolymorphicProps } from '@axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types';

// Default HTML element if the "as" prop is not provided
export const HeadingDefaultElement: ElementType = 'h1';
// List of allowed HTML elements that can be passed via the "as" prop
export type HeadingAllowedElements = typeof HeadingDefaultElement | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6';
export type HeadingSizes = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;

// Component-specific props
export type HeadingOwnProps<T extends HeadingAllowedElements> = ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T> & {
  size?: HeadingSizes;

// Extend own props with others inherited from the underlying element type
// Own props take precedence over the inherited ones
export type HeadingProps<T extends HeadingAllowedElements> = PolymorphicProps<

const HeadingInner = <T extends HeadingAllowedElements>({
  as = HeadingDefaultElement,
}: PolymorphicProps<HeadingOwnProps<T>, T, HeadingAllowedElements>) =>
      className: `${className} size-${size || 1}`,

// Memo with generics is tricky
// see also https://fettblog.eu/typescript-react-generic-forward-refs/
export const Heading = memo(HeadingInner) as <T extends HeadingAllowedElements>(
  props: HeadingProps<T>,
) => ReturnType<typeof HeadingInner>;

The above component can be consumed without any additional overhead as follows:

const App = () => (
    <Heading as='h2' />
Exotic Component Example

Polymorphic exotic components allow you to use either DOM nodes or custom rendering functions for your HTML.

import { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, createElement, ElementType, ExoticComponent } from 'react';
import { PolymorphicExoticProps, PolymorphicProps } from '@axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types';

// Default HTML element if the "as" prop is not provided
export const ContainerDefaultElement: ElementType = 'div';
// List of allowed HTML elements that can be passed via the "as" prop
export type ContainerAllowedDOMElements = typeof ContainerDefaultElement | 'article' | 'section';
export type ContainerAllowedElements = ContainerAllowedDOMElements | ExoticComponent;

// Component-specific props
export type ContainerOwnProps<T extends ContainerAllowedDOMElements> = ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T>;

// Extend own props with others inherited from the underlying element type
// Own props take precedence over the inherited ones
export type ContainerProps<T extends ContainerAllowedElements> = T extends ContainerAllowedDOMElements
  ? PolymorphicProps<ContainerOwnProps<T>, T, ContainerAllowedDOMElements>
  : PolymorphicExoticProps<ContainerOwnProps<ContainerAllowedDOMElements>, T, ContainerAllowedDOMElements>;

export const Container = <T extends ContainerAllowedElements>({
  as = ContainerDefaultElement,
}: ContainerProps<T>) =>

The above component works with straight HTML nodes or with external exotic components like, for example, the ones provided by framer-motion.

import { motion } from 'framer-motion';

const App = () => (
    <Container as='div' />
    {/* Notice that the exotic props here will be automatically inferred */}
Exotic Component Example with Ref

Polymorphic exotic components that use refs are slightly more complex and require some additional code to work properly.

import { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, createElement, ElementType, ExoticComponent, forwardRef } from 'react';
import { PolymorphicProps, PolymorphicForwardedRef, PolymorphicExoticProps } from '@axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types';

// Default HTML element if the "as" prop is not provided
export const ContainerDefaultElement: ElementType = 'div';
// List of allowed HTML elements that can be passed via the "as" prop
export type ContainerAllowedDOMElements = 'div' | 'article' | 'section';
export type ContainerAllowedElements = ContainerAllowedDOMElements | ExoticComponent;

// Component-specific props
export type ContainerOwnProps<T extends ContainerAllowedDOMElements> = ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T>;

// Extend own props with others inherited from the underlying element type
// Own props take precedence over the inherited ones
export type ContainerProps<T extends ContainerAllowedElements> = T extends ContainerAllowedDOMElements
  ? PolymorphicProps<ContainerOwnProps<T>, T, ContainerAllowedDOMElements>
  : PolymorphicExoticProps<ContainerOwnProps<ContainerAllowedDOMElements>, T, ContainerAllowedDOMElements>;

// Forwarded ref component
const ContainerInner = <T extends ContainerAllowedElements>(
  { as = ContainerDefaultElement, className, children, ...rest }: ContainerProps<T>,
  ref: PolymorphicForwardedRef<T>,
) =>

// Forward refs with generics is tricky
// see also https://fettblog.eu/typescript-react-generic-forward-refs/
export const Container = forwardRef<ContainerAllowedElements>(ContainerInner) as <T extends ContainerAllowedElements>(
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
  props: ContainerProps<T> & { ref?: PolymorphicForwardedRef<T> },
) => ReturnType<typeof ContainerInner>;

With the above example, DOM nodes will be automatically inferred, including when using third-party exotic rendering functions.

import { motion } from 'framer-motion';

const App = () => {
  const div = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
  // Article and other HTML5 tags are just of type HTMLElement
  const article = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);

  return (
Complex Exotic/Functional Component Example

This example combines multiple rendering strategies for your component to allow maximum flexibility for its consumers.

// We need to infer the functional component properties so 'any' is used in this case
// You can also add strict types for your functional components, but it will reduce flexibility
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import { ComponentPropsWithoutRef, createElement, ElementType, ExoticComponent, FC } from 'react';
import { PolymorphicFunctionalProps, PolymorphicExoticProps, PolymorphicProps } from '@axa-ch/react-polymorphic-types';

// Default HTML element if the "as" prop is not provided
export const ContainerDefaultElement: ElementType = 'div';
// List of allowed HTML elements that can be passed via the "as" prop
export type ContainerAllowedDOMElements = 'div' | 'article' | 'section';
export type ContainerAllowedElements = ContainerAllowedDOMElements | ExoticComponent | FC<any>;

// Component-specific props
export type ContainerOwnProps<T extends ContainerAllowedDOMElements> = ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T>;

// Extend own props with others inherited from the underlying element type
// Own props take precedence over the inherited ones
export type ContainerProps<T extends ContainerAllowedElements> = T extends ContainerAllowedDOMElements
  ? PolymorphicProps<ContainerOwnProps<T>, T, ContainerAllowedDOMElements>
  : T extends FC<any>
    ? PolymorphicFunctionalProps<ContainerOwnProps<ContainerAllowedDOMElements>, T, ContainerAllowedDOMElements>
    : PolymorphicExoticProps<ContainerOwnProps<ContainerAllowedDOMElements>, T, ContainerAllowedDOMElements>;

export const Container = <T extends ContainerAllowedElements>({
  as = ContainerDefaultElement,
}: ContainerProps<T>) =>

Let's see how we can use the above component with all its possible rendering options:

import { motion } from 'framer-motion';

type FooProps = ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'div'> & { size: 'small' | 'large'; name: string };

const Foo: FC<FooProps> = ({ className, size = 'large', ...rest }) => (
    className={`${className} the-foo ${size}`}

const App = () => (
    <Container as='div' />


This project wouldn't exist without react-polymorphic-types