
Node.js bindings to Xiph's RNNoise denoising C library

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


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Node.js bindings to Xiph's RNNoise denoising C library.

RNNoise is a project showing how deep learning (Recurrent Neural Networks/RNNs) can be applied to noise suppression.




const rnnoise = require("rnnoise");

const denoisedBufLength = rnnoise.suppress(

console.log(`Denoised buffer length: ${denoisedBufLength} bytes`);


Noise Suppression Functions

rnnoise.suppress(input: string, output: string)

suppress operates on 16-bit RAW audio format (machine endian) mono PCM files sampled at 48 kHz. The output is also a 16-bit RAW PCM file.

  • input is a required string of the path to RAW PCM file input.
  • output is a required string of the path to output RAW PCM file.


Working on project with submodules

We keep a rnnoise Git repo as a subdirectory in this Git repo. So, please clone this repo by using Git submodule:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/cedrickchee/rnnoise-nodejs.git

Expand License

The code in this repository, including all code samples, is released under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Cedric Chee