
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/storm-bot

Primary LanguagePython

stOrm is base on Talisman ver.1 preXP1 revision 86 source code with some modifications
It's response to reply was translated into English

*****		REQUIREMENTS		*****
python-2.6 or the latest  --> http://www.python.org/download/
TortoiseSVN-1.6.7 or the lates --> http://www.open.collab.net/downloads/subversion/

*****		INSTALLATION		*****
Download the source code of stOrm by svnsubversion from official repository:
svn co http://storm-bot.googlecode.com/svn/trunk storm-bot

*****		RUNNING		*****
1)	rename the file SAMPLE.config.txt to config.txt and then edit it!
2)	run start.py on *NIX environment or storm.py on WINDOWS environment!
3)	just report your bugs on tangerang@conference.jsmart.web.id

	blaDe - barking dogs seldom bite