
Turn your log messages into useful Prometheus metrics.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


logmetrics turns your log messages into useful metrics for Prometheus. logmetrics watches the logs of your Pods in your Kubernetes cluster and parses each line. If a line matches your defined parser a metrics counter will be increased.

For example Flux logs the following lines, when it will fail to auto-release workloads:

{"caller":"images.go:17","component":"sync-loop","msg":"polling for new images for automated workloads","ts":"2020-08-22T08:16:15.285644598Z"}
{"caller":"warming.go:198","component":"warmer","image":"goharbor/registry-photon","info":"refreshing image","of_which_missing":1,"of_which_refresh":0,"tag_count":59,"to_update":1,"ts":"2020-08-22T08:16:43.189668642Z"}
{"caller":"repocachemanager.go:223","canonical_name":"index.docker.io/goharbor/registry-photon","component":"warmer","impact":"flux will fail to auto-release workloads with matching images, ask the repository administrator to fix the inconsistency","ts":"2020-08-22T08:16:43.42114786Z","warn":"manifest for tag v2.7.1-debug-9186 missing in repository goharbor/registry-photon"}
{"caller":"images.go:17","component":"sync-loop","msg":"polling for new images for automated workloads","ts":"2020-08-22T08:16:43.423436631Z"}

Then you can use the following configuration, to increase a counter named logmetrics_flux_fail_to_autorelease_total each time a log line contains the string fail to auto-release:

- name: flux_fail_to_autorelease_total
  namespace: flux
  selector: app=flux
    type: contains
      - fail to auto-release

The resulting Prometheus metrics are looking as follow. logmetrics parsed 5 log lines and one line matched our defined parser:

# HELP logmetrics_flux_fail_to_autorelease_total
# TYPE logmetrics_flux_fail_to_autorelease_total counter
logmetrics_flux_fail_to_autorelease_total{pod_name="flux-76b4999bc7-cgffd",pod_namespace="flux",type="matched"} 1
logmetrics_flux_fail_to_autorelease_total{pod_name="flux-76b4999bc7-cgffd",pod_namespace="flux",type="parsed"} 5


You can install logmetrics into your Kubernetes cluster via Kustomize or Helm. To install logmetrics via Kustomize run the following commands:

kubectl create ns logmetrics
kubectl kustomize github.com/ricoberger/logmetrics --namespace logmetrics

Or if you want to install it via Helm run the following:

helm repo add ricoberger https://ricoberger.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update

helm upgrade --install logmetrics ricoberger/logmetrics


logmetrics is configured via a yaml file. Within this file you define your metrics, the Pods which should be watched and the parser wich should be used. An example configuration file can be found in the config.yaml file within this repository.

Property Description
name Is the name of the metric which should be written for Prometheus. The defined name is prefixed with logmetrics. The resulting metric contains a field type which indicates the number of parsed log lines (parsed), the number of lines which matched your parser (matched) and the number of parsing failures (parsed_with_error).
namespace Is the namespace of the Pod which log messages should be watched.
selector Is the selector of the Pod which log messages should be watched.
parser.type Is the type of the parser which should be used. Must be contains or regexp
parser.keywords Used when parser.type is contains. A list of strings which a log line must contain to increase the counter.
parser.regexp Used when parser.type is regexp. The regular expression which must be matched by a log line to increase the counter.


logmetrics is written in Go. To build the binary you have to run the following commands:

git clone git@github.com:ricoberger/logmetrics.git
make build
