Streaming-CNN FPGA Architecture for Communications-based Applications

This repository stores the necessary files needed to run the voila notebook demo for modulation classifcation presented at FCCM 2022.


This repository's files have been built and tested on PYNQ 2.6 running on the AMD-Xilinx RFSoC 2x2 development board (

Installation and Running

  • Run:
git clone
  • Copy the amc_dma_rfsoc folder from the bitstream folder to the overlay folder on your board.
  • Copy the contents of the notebooks folder into the notebooks on your board.
  • To run the voila webpage please run the command:
voila /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/voila_modulation_classification.ipynb --ExecutePreprocessor.timeout=180 --port=8866 --TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags='{"ignore_me"}'