
Primary LanguageHCL

Presentation : May 23rd 1pm

Set variables

cp terraform.tfvars.orig terraform.tfvars

  • Fill terraform.tfvars with your AWS credentials. You'll also need Digitalocean Credentials for S3 access.

  • Set the aws_region to deploy to.

  • Set existing vpc_id and subnet_id from the region.

  • Each downstream need a Security Group name and an AMI to be available on the region.

  • prefix variable is set using the workspace name, only set it if not using workspace.
  • Others generally do not have to be changed.

To bootstrap the labs:


The script will log terraform output for each labs.

Destroy the labs:

[if 15 labs?]

for lab in {1..15}; do ./workspace.sh "cfl-lab${lab}" destroy &; done
for lab in {1..15}; do terraform workspace delete "cfl-lab${lab}" ; done

Manage dedicated lab:

./workspace.sh [lab_name] [apply | destroy | plan | output]