
Drawing Path

VectorDrawable : Allow us to create scalable, density independent assets by representing each icon as a series of lines and shape called paths.

Each path's shape is determined by a sequence of drawing commands, represented by a space/comma-separated string using asubset of the SVG path data spec.

Summarized spec commands

Command Description
M x,y Begin a new subpath by moving to (x,y)
L x,y Draw a line to (x,y)
C x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y Draw a cubic bezier curve to (x,y) using control points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
Z Close the path by drawing a line back to the beginning of the current subpath

All paths come in one of two forms: filled or stroked. If the path is filled, the interiors of its shape will be painted. If the path is stroked, the paint will be applied along the outline of its shape.

Both types of paths have their own set of animatable attributes that further modify their appearance.

Property name Element type Value type Min Max
android:fillAlhpa <path> float 0 1
android:fillColor <path> integer --- ---
android:strokeAlpha <path> float 0 1
android:strokeColor <path> integer --- ---
android:strokeWidth <path> float 0 ---

Example : Play, pause, record icon for music application

We can represent each icon using a single path


  <!-- This path draws an orange triangular play icon. -->
    android:pathData="M 4,2.5 L 4,9.5 L 9.5,6 Z"/>

  <!-- This path draws two green stroked vertical pause bars. -->
    android:pathData="M 4,2.5 L 4,9.5 M 8,2.5 L 8,9.5"

  <!-- This path draws a red circle. -->
    android:pathData="M 2,6 C 2,3.8 3.8,2 6,2 C 8.2,2 10,3.8 10,6 C 10,8.2 8.2,10 6,10 C 3.8,10 2,8.2 2,6"/>



We can animate their individual paths using the AnimatedVectorDrawable class. AnimatedVectorDrawables are the glue that connect VectorDrawables with ObjectAnimators. The VectorDrawables assigns each animated path (or groupe of paths) a unique name, and the AnimatedVectorDrawable map each of thses names to their corresponding ObjectAnimators.

Transforming groups of paths