Submit domain or IP to Shodan and VirusTotal, pull malicious information, find CS beacons based on JARM signature.
- nmap script to check for CS beacons. Place in $NMAPDIR
- Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap\scripts
- Linux:
- MacOS:
- Windows:
API Keys are handled through environment variables.
For permanent storage, store in
path- Windows: Add to system variables or use a PowerShell cmdlet
$env:<API_KEY> = '<value>'
- ex.
$env:SHODAN_API = 'apikeyvalues'
- check with
$ dir env:
- ex.
- MacOS / Linux: Modify
$ export API_KEY=VALUE
$ source ~/.bashrc
- Windows: Add to system variables or use a PowerShell cmdlet
For temporary storage, a prompt will appear if the command requires an API key. This method does not persist.
A help
command will show available commands. Just run ./gollector help .
- MacOS / Linux:
./gollector [command] <ip>
- Windows:
gollector.exe [command] <input>