Music Performance Markup (MPM)

Primary LanguageVueOtherNOASSERTION

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GitHub release documentation License licensebuttons by

Author: Axel Berndt
Contributors: Benjamin W. Bohl, Peter Stadler, Simon Waloschek, Niels Pfeffer
Center of Music and Film Informatics, Detmold

An XML-model for the encoding of expressive music performances. The schema definition and documentation are done in TEI ODD. Sample encodings can be found in the eponimous folder. The schema documentation is published in the gh-pages branch and also available as release asset. The official API and expressive MIDI rendering engine are integrated with the meico framework, ready to be used by application developers and users of the meico app. With MPM Toolbox we also provide a convenient graphical editor software.

License Information

In the MPM format definition we make use of the TEI ODD format that is published under CC-BY-3.0 and BSD-2. We publish this format under BSD-2 and CC-BY-4.0. If you use MPM in your project make sure that you do not conflict with any of the above licenses.

This format definition and documentation is part of a R&D project funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (2019-2023).