This is a Laravel 7 project where we work Realtime notifications with Vue.js and Pusher.
This project has 3 branches.
- The crud branch has the starting point to start this project.
- The realtime branch has all the work done and all the configurations done to send realtime notifications.
- The master branch has the final project.
Code for Real-Time Notifications Laravel
- Clone the repository with git clone
- Copy .env.example file to .env
- Edit database credentials in .env
- Change BROADCAST_DRIVER to pusher in .env
- Enter your pusher credentials in .env
- Run composer install
- Run php artisan key:generate
- Run php artisan migrate --seed
- Run npm install
- Run npm run dev
- Run php artisan serve (if you want to use other port add --port=90)
- You can register by clicking on top-right
Feel free to use and re-use any way you want.
- Check out my YouTube channel Dot Coding.
- Feel free to send me an e-mail for support
After cloning you can see all the branches with git branch -a and you can go to the branch you want with git checkout BranchName