
An XLIFF parser to help importing iOS project localizations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

XLIFF parser (for iOS)

A (simple) script that helps with importing an XLIFF file into an iOS project. It solves the problem of importing localizations when you are using a (descriptive) pseudo-language as keys, rather than the development language. In that case, the XLIFF file exported by tools such as Lokalise or Applanga ends up using the development language rather than the keys in the XLIFF tags, which messes up the import. This scripts fixes this, then import directly the files into the iOS project.

For example, it turns:

<trans-unit id="Account.title">
  <source>My account</source>
  <target>Mon compte</target>
  <note>Title of account view</note>


<trans-unit id="Account.title">
  <target>Mon compte</target>
  <note>Title of account view</note>

Then write that to the corresponding file (e.g. fr.lproj/Localizable.strings) as:

/* Title of account view */
"Account.title" = "Mon compte";


python parse_xliff.py -i <path/to/xliff/file> -o <path/to/project/root>